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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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head (any industry) see STRAW BOSS
Head Animal Trainer (amuse. & rec.) 159.224-010
HEAD-BANDER-AND-LINER OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 653.682-018
head-bone grinder (meat products) 521.687-130
head boner (meat products) 525.684-034
Head Cager (mine & quarry) 939.667-010
Head Charrer (wood. container) 764.684-014
HEAD COACH (amuse. & rec.) 153.117-010
head cook, school (hotel & rest.) 313.131-018
head counselor (profess. & kin.) 045.107-018
HEAD DOFFER (textile) 689.366-010
Header (agriculture; wholesale tr.) 920.687-134
header (nonfer. metal; smelt. & refin.) 514.584-010
Header (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-026
HEADER (water trans.) 911.137-018
HEADER (wood prod., nec) 665.682-014
HEADER (wood. container) 764.687-058
header boss (construction) 859.137-018
Header, Dock (water trans.) 911.137-018
Header, Ship (water trans.) 911.137-018
header-up (wood. container) 764.687-058
head facer (fabrication, nec) 754.684-018
HEAD-GAUGE-UNIT OPERATOR (ordnance) 619.685-054
heading-and-priming operator (ordnance) 694.685-042
heading-and-priming tool setter (ordnance) 616.360-030
Heading-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 692.482-010
HEADING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 669.685-062
HEADING MATCHER AND ASSEMBLER (wood. container) 764.687-062
heading pinner (wood. container) 764.687-062
HEADING REPAIRER (wood. container) 764.687-066
HEADING-SAW OPERATOR (saw. & plan.) 667.682-038
HEAD INSPECTOR (wood. container) 764.387-010
Head-Inspector-And-Center Marker (wood. container) 764.387-010
head kiln operator (grain-feed mills) 523.662-010
HEAD-MACHINE FEEDER (meat products) 525.686-018
Head of Stock (retail trade) 222.137-034
HEAD OPERATOR, SULFIDE (chemical) 559.132-026
head-out worker (tobacco) 920.687-110
head paper tester (paper & pulp) 539.367-010
Head-Piece Assembler (furniture) 706.684-082
head resident, dormitory (education) 045.107-038
Head Rigger (logging) 921.664-014
head rose grader (agriculture) 405.137-010
head ruler, linoprint ruling machine operator (paper goods; print. & pub.)
HEAD-SAW OPERATOR, INSULATION BOARD (wood prod., nec) 677.682-010
HEAD SAWYER (saw. & plan.) 667.662-010
HEAD SAWYER, AUTOMATIC (paper & pulp; saw. & plan.) 667.682-034
Head Scorer (amuse. & rec.) 153.387-014
head setter (wood. container) 764.687-058
head-stock operator (paper & pulp) 539.132-018
head switcher (r.r. trans.) 910.137-022
HEAD TRIMMER (meat products) 525.684-034
Head-Turning-Machine Operator (wood. container) 667.685-066
Head-Up Operator (wood. container) 669.682-014
Head-Up-Operator Helper (wood. container) 669.685-010
HEADWAITER/HEADWAITRESS (water trans.) 350.137-010
head well-puller (petrol. & gas) 939.131-018
HEALER (medical ser.) term
HEALTH-EQUIPMENT SERVICER (medical ser.) 359.363-010
HEALTH OFFICER, FIELD (government ser.) 168.167-018
HEALTH PHYSICIST (profess. & kin.) 015.021-010
health-physics technician (profess. & kin.) 199.167-010
health unit clerk (medical ser.) 245.362-014
HEARING-AID REPAIRER (inst. & app.) 719.381-014
HEARING AID SPECIALIST (retail trade) 276.354-010
hearing instrument specialist (retail trade) 276.354-010
HEARING OFFICER (government ser.) 119.107-010
Hearings Reporter (clerical) 202.362-010
hearing-test technician (profess. & kin.) 078.362-010
Hearse Driver (personal ser.) 359.673-014
heart specialist (medical ser.) 070.101-014
HEAT CURER (textile) 581.586-010
HEATER (forging) 619.682-022
heater, furnace (forging) 619.682-022
HEATER HELPER (steel & rel.) 613.685-014
heater helper (steel & rel.) 542.665-010
Heater Helper, Forge (forging) 619.686-034
HEATER I (steel & rel.) 613.362-010
HEATER II (steel & rel.) 542.362-010
heater operator (construction) 853.683-014
Heater Operator (wood. container) 669.682-014
Heater Operator Helper (wood. container) 669.685-010
HEATER-PLANER OPERATOR (construction) 853.683-014
heater tender (oils & grease) 523.685-034
HEATER TENDER (rubber goods; rubber reclaim.; rubber tire) 553.665-038
heater tender (rubber goods) 553.585-022
heater worker (construction) 869.685-010
heating-and-air-conditioning mechanic (construction) 637.261-014
heating-and-air-conditioning-mechanic helper (construction) 637.664-010
heating-and-ventilating tender (any industry) 950.585-010
heating-element builder (rubber goods) 739.684-058
Heating-Element Repairer (house. appl.) 723.584-010
HEATING-ELEMENT WINDER (elec. equip.; house. appl.) 723.685-010
heating-equipment repairer (any industry) 805.361-010
heating-fixture tender (optical goods) 713.687-042
heating mechanic (construction) 637.261-014
HEATING-PLANT SUPERINTENDENT (any industry) 959.131-010
Heating Technician (profess. & kin.) 007.181-010
heating worker (any industry) 869.281-010
HEAT READER (forging) 612.687-010
heat-seal operator (any industry) 690.685-154
HEAT-TRANSFER TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 007.181-010
HEAT TREATER (electron. comp.) 504.686-022
heat treater (jewelry-silver.) 504.687-010
HEAT-TREATER APPRENTICE (heat treating) 504.382-018
heat treater, head (heat treating) 504.131-010
HEAT-TREATER HELPER (heat treating) 504.685-018
HEAT TREATER I (heat treating) 504.382-014
HEAT TREATER II (heat treating) 504.682-018
HEAT-TREATING BLUER (heat treating) 504.682-022
HEAT-TREAT INSPECTOR (heat treating) 504.281-010
heat-treat puller (heat treating) 504.685-018
HEAT-TREAT SUPERVISOR (heat treating) 504.131-010
heat treat worker (glass mfg.) 573.685-026
HEAT WELDER, PLASTICS (plastic prod.) 553.684-010
heavy-equipment mechanic (construction) 620.261-022
heavy-equipment operator (construction; mine & quarry) 859.683-010
heavy-equipment-operator apprentice (construction; mine & quarry) 859.683-014
HEAVY FORGER (forging) 612.361-010
HEAVY-FORGER HELPER (forging) 612.687-014
heavy-machinery assembler (engine-turbine; machinery mfg.) 638.261-014
HEAVY-MEDIA OPERATOR (mine & quarry) 541.685-010
HEDDLE CLEANER, MACHINE (textile) 689.685-070
HEDDLE-MACHINE OPERATOR (machinery mfg.) 616.685-026
HEDDLES TIER, JACQUARD LOOM (narrow fabrics; textile) 683.680-014
HEEL ATTACHER, WOOD (boot & shoe) 788.684-058
heel-boom operator (logging) 921.683-058
HEEL BREASTER, LEATHER (boot & shoe) 690.682-042
Heel Brusher (boot & shoe) 788.687-018
Heel Buffer (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
Heel Builder, Hand (boot & shoe) 788.687-030
HEEL BUILDER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-206
Heel Burnisher (boot & shoe) 690.685-058
Heel Cementer (boot & shoe) 788.687-030
Heel Cementer, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.686-018
HEEL COMPRESSOR (boot & shoe) 690.685-210
Heel Coverer (boot & shoe) 788.687-030
Heel-Cover Softener (boot & shoe) 788.687-090
Heel-Cover Splitter (boot & shoe) 585.685-114
HEEL DIPPER (boot & shoe) 788.687-058
Heel Dipper, Insole (boot & shoe) 788.687-062
Heel-Edge Inker, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-234
Heel-Emery Buffer (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
Heeler, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.685-162
heel finisher (boot & shoe) 788.684-126
heel fitter, machine (boot & shoe) 690.682-046
heel former (boot & shoe) 690.685-206
HEEL GOUGER (boot & shoe) 690.685-214
Heel Grinder (wood prod., nec) 669.682-054
Heel Layer (boot & shoe) 690.685-074
Heel-Lift-Beam Cutter (boot & shoe) 699.682-022
Heel-Lift Gouger (boot & shoe) 690.685-214
Heel-Lining Paster (boot & shoe) 690.686-018
Heel Marker (boot & shoe) 788.584-014
heel molder (boot & shoe) 690.685-210
Heel Molder (rubber goods) 556.685-066
HEEL-NAILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 690.685-226
Heel-Nail Rasper (boot & shoe) 788.684-094
Heel Padder (boot & shoe) 788.687-030
HEEL PRICKER (boot & shoe) 690.685-218
Heel Reducer (boot & shoe) 690.685-166
Heel-Room Supervisor (boot & shoe) 788.131-010
Heel Sander, Rubber (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
HEEL SCORER (boot & shoe) 690.685-222
Heel-Seam Rubber (boot & shoe) 690.685-350
Heel-Seat Filler (boot & shoe) 690.685-162
HEEL-SEAT FITTER, HAND (boot & shoe) 788.684-062
HEEL-SEAT FITTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.682-046
Heel-Seat-Flap Stapler (boot & shoe) 690.685-162
HEEL-SEAT LASTER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 690.685-230
Heel-Seat Pounder (boot & shoe) 690.685-314
Heel-Seat Sander (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
Heel-Seat Trimmer (boot & shoe) 690.685-434
Heel Slicker (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
HEEL SORTER (boot & shoe) 788.584-010
Heel Splitter (boot & shoe) 585.685-114
heel sprayer, first (boot & shoe) 788.687-034
HEEL SPRAYER, MACHINE (boot & shoe) 590.685-038
heel stainer (boot & shoe) 690.685-234
Heel-Top-Lift Splitter (boot & shoe) 585.685-114
Heel Trimmer I (boot & shoe) 690.685-434
Heel Trimmer II (boot & shoe) 690.682-086
Heel Wheeler (boot & shoe) 690.685-058
hefter (leather mfg.) 589.387-010
helicopter dispatcher (air trans.) 912.167-010
Helicopter Mechanic (air trans.) 621.281-014
HELICOPTER PILOT (any industry) 196.263-038
Helix-Coil Winder (elec. equip.; electron. comp.) 724.684-026
Helmet Binder (hat & cap) 787.682-010
Helmet-Brim Coverer (hat & cap) 689.685-074
HELMET COVERER (hat & cap) 689.685-074
Helmet-Crown Coverer (hat & cap) 689.685-074
Helmet-Hat-Brim Cutter (hat & cap) 699.682-022
Helmet-Hat Puncher (hat & cap) 686.685-038
Helmet-Hat-Sweatband Puncher (hat & cap) 686.685-038
Helminthologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-070
help desk representative (profess. & kin.) 032.262-010
help desk supervisor (profess. & kin.) 032.132-010
HELPER (any industry) master
Helper, Animal Laboratory (pharmaceut.) 410.674-010
helper, chicken farm (agriculture) 411.584-010
HELPER, ELECTRICAL (utilities) 821.667-010
HELPER, MANUFACTURING (aircraft mfg.) 809.687-014
HELPER, METAL BONDING (aircraft mfg.) 806.687-022
HELPER, METAL HANGING (mfd. bldgs.) 806.667-010
helper, patcher (steel & rel.) 861.687-014
HELPER, SHEAR OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 615.687-010
helper, steel fabrication (any industry) 619.686-022
Hem Inspector (tex. prod., nec) 789.687-114
Hem Marker (garment; retail trade; tex. prod., nec) 781.687-042
HEMMER (any industry) 787.682-026
hemmer (rubber goods) 690.686-026
HEMMER, AUTOMATIC (tex. prod., nec) 787.685-018
HEMMER, BLINDSTITCH (garment) 786.682-126
HEMMER, CHAINSTITCH (garment) 786.682-130
HEMMER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-134
HEMMER, OVERLOCK (garment) 786.682-138
hemodialysis technician (medical ser.) 078.362-014
hemotherapist (medical ser.) 078.261-042
Hemstitching-Machine Operator (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-058
HERBARIUM WORKER (profess. & kin.) 041.384-010
herder (agriculture) 410.687-022
Herpetologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-090

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