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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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IC Designer, Custom (profess. & kin.) 003.261-018
IC Designer, Gate Arrays (profess. & kin.) 003.261-018
IC Designer, Standard Cells (profess. & kin.) 003.261-018
Ice-Bag Assembler (rubber goods) 752.684-038
ICE-CREAM CHEF (hotel & rest.) 313.381-034
ice cream dispenser (hotel & rest.) 319.474-010
ice-cream freezer (dairy products) 529.482-010
ICE CREAM FREEZER ASSISTANT (dairy products) 529.685-146
Ice-Cream Vendor (retail trade) 291.457-018
Ice Crusher (any industry) 529.685-150
ICE CUTTER (food prep., nec) 529.685-150
ice-guard inspector (rubber goods) 729.387-010
ice-guard repairer (rubber goods) 759.684-026
Ice Guard, Skating Rink (amuse. & rec.) 376.667-010
ice-guard tester (rubber goods) 729.387-014
Ice Handler (chemical) 549.587-010
ICE MAKER (food prep., nec) 523.685-102
ICE MAKER, SKATING RINK (amuse. & rec.) 969.687-014
ice platform supervisor (food prep., nec) 299.137-022
Ice Puller (food prep., nec) 523.685-102
ICER (wholesale tr.) 922.687-046
icer, air conditioning (food prep., nec; meat products) 910.687-018
ICER, HAND (bakery products) 524.684-022
ICER, MACHINE (bakery products) 524.685-034
ice seller (food prep., nec) 299.377-010
Ichthyologist (profess. & kin.) 041.061-090
ICICLE-MACHINE OPERATOR (dairy products) 920.482-010
Icing Coater (sugar & conf.) 524.684-010
icing-machine operator (bakery products) 524.685-034
Icing Maker (sugar & conf.) 526.382-014
ICING MIXER (bakery products) 520.685-114
icing spreader (bakery products) 524.684-022
IDENTIFICATION CLERK (clerical) 205.362-022
IDENTIFICATION CLERK (government ser.) 209.362-022
IDENTIFICATION OFFICER (government ser.) 377.264-010
IDENTIFIER, HORSE (amuse. & rec.) 153.387-010
IGNITER CAPPER (ordnance) 737.687-050
Ignition-And-Carburetor Mechanic (automotive ser.) 825.281-022
Ignition Specialist (air trans.) 621.281-014
ILLUMINATING ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 003.061-046
Illuminator (profess. & kin.) 970.661-010
ILLUSTRATOR (profess. & kin.) 141.061-022
ILLUSTRATOR, MEDICAL AND SCIENTIFIC (profess. & kin.) 141.061-026
ILLUSTRATOR, SET (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 141.061-030
image assembler (print. & pub.) 972.281-022
imager (electron. comp.) 976.684-030
imitation-marble mechanic (nonmet. min.) 556.484-010
imitator (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-018
IMMIGRATION INSPECTOR (government ser.) 168.167-022
Immigration Patrol Inspector (government ser.) 168.167-022
IMMUNOHEMATOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.261-046
Impact Hammer Operator (forging) 610.362-010
IMPERSONATOR (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-018
IMPERSONATOR, CHARACTER (any industry) 299.647-010
Import Clerk (clerical) 214.467-010
Importer (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 185.157-018
IMPORT-EXPORT AGENT (any industry) 184.117-022
impregnating helper (elec. equip.; light. fix.) 599.685-050
IMPREGNATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (metal prod., nec) 590.362-014
impregnating-machine operator (plastic-synth.) 554.585-014
IMPREGNATING-TANK OPERATOR (any industry) 599.685-046
impregnating-tank operator (any industry) 599.685-030
Impregnation Inspector (elec. equip.) 726.367-010
IMPREGNATION OPERATOR (paper goods) 539.685-014
impregnator (any industry) 599.685-026
IMPREGNATOR (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 509.685-030
IMPREGNATOR (pen & pencil) 562.685-014
impregnator (plastic-synth.) 554.687-010
IMPREGNATOR AND DRIER (elec. equip.; electron. comp.) 599.682-014
IMPREGNATOR-AND-DRIER HELPER (elec. equip.; light. fix.) 599.685-050
Impregnator, Carbon Products (electron. comp.) 599.682-014
Impregnator, Electrolytic Capacitors (electron. comp.) 599.682-014
IMPREGNATOR OPERATOR (chemical) 559.685-106
impregnator operator (nonmet. min.) 579.665-010
Impresario (amuse. & rec.) 191.117-014
Impression Printer (print. & pub.) 979.381-034

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