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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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jacker feeder (millwork-plywood; paper & pulp; saw. & plan.) 921.686-022
Jacket Changer (foundry) 519.687-022
JACKET PREPARER (print. & pub.) 221.387-030
JACKHAMMER OPERATOR (mine & quarry) 930.684-018
jackhammer-splitter operator (stonework) 677.685-042
JACK SETTER (mine & quarry) 939.684-010
jackspooler (narrow fabrics; textile) 681.685-142
Jack-Strip Assembler (comm. equip.; elec. equip.) 729.684-026
Jack-Tamp Operator (construction) 910.683-018
jacquard-lace weaver (tex. prod., nec) 683.682-026
Jacquard-Loom Fixer (textile) 683.260-018
JACQUARD-LOOM WEAVER (narrow fabrics) 683.682-022
JACQUARD-LOOM WEAVER (textile) 683.662-010
jacquard-pattern servicer (textile) 683.685-014
JACQUARD-PLATE MAKER (knitting) 685.381-010
JACQUARD-TWINE-POLISHER OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec) 583.685-062
jagger (personal ser.) 339.571-010
JAILER (government ser.) 372.367-014
JAILER, CHIEF (government ser.) 372.167-018
jail keeper (government ser.) 372.367-014
Jalousie Installer (construction) 860.381-022
JAMMER OPERATOR (logging) 921.683-054
Jammer Operator Helper (logging) 921.687-022
JANITOR (any industry) 382.664-010
janitor (any industry) 381.687-018
janitor (any industry) 381.687-014
janitor, church (nonprofit org.) 389.667-010
janitor, head (any industry) 381.137-010
Japanner (any industry) 740.684-022
japanner (leather mfg.) 584.687-010
Jawbone Breaker (meat products) 525.684-034

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Revised 2/10/97 Feedback