TITLE(s): DRIER TENDER (grain-feed mills) Tends drying equipment to reduce moisture content of cooked grain to specified degree of dehydration for cereal products: Adjusts steam valves to regulate temperature and pressure of drier to specified levels. Turns valve or adjusts gate on conveyor to regulate amount of cereal entering drier. Turns handcrank to adjust speed of conveyor through drier. Visually and tactually inspects dried grain and collects samples throughout drying process to determine moisture content of grain. May turn valve and push button to start granulators and picker rolls that break lumps in cooked grain prior to or after drying. GOE: 06.04.15 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 92921 Roasting, Baking, and Drying Machine Operators and Tenders, Food and Tobacco |
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CODE: 523.685-070 Buy the DOT: Download
DRIER TENDER (grain-feed mills)
Tends drying equipment to reduce moisture content of cooked grain to specified degree of
dehydration for cereal products: Adjusts steam valves to regulate temperature and pressure of drier
to specified levels. Turns valve or adjusts gate on conveyor to regulate amount of cereal entering
drier. Turns handcrank to adjust speed of conveyor through drier. Visually and tactually inspects
dried grain and collects samples throughout drying process to determine moisture content of grain.
May turn valve and push button to start granulators and picker rolls that break lumps in cooked
grain prior to or after drying.
GOE: 06.04.15 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 92921 Roasting, Baking, and Drying Machine Operators and Tenders, Food and Tobacco
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03