CODE: 529.367-010Buy the DOT: Download/CD-ROM TITLE(s): CIGARETTE-AND-FILTER CHIEF INSPECTOR (tobacco) Examines plain or filter-tipped cigarettes or filters to ensure that quality of product conforms to standards: Inspects cigarettes or filters produced to detect imperfections, such as loose ends, stems, stemholes, defective glue lines, and defectively attached filters. Examines cigarettes, attached filters, and filters rejected by CIGARETTE-MAKING-MACHINE CATCHER (tobacco) and CIGARETTE INSPECTOR (tobacco) and discards inferior products. Notifies CIGARETTE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (tobacco) of deviations from standards. Records number of cigarettes found with defects and compiles summary production sheets. Verifies and totals figures posted by CIGARETTE INSPECTOR (tobacco). GOE: 06.03.01 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 83005A Production Inspectors, Testers, Graders, Sorters, Samplers, Weighers |
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