TITLE(s): COLORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) alternate titles: dyer Tends one or more tumbling vats that dye felt hat bodies: Dumps hat bodies into perforated tumbler. Pours premixed dye powder into vat and turns valves to admit water and steam to fill and heat vat. Starts tumbler revolving to saturate hat bodies with dye. Adds prescribed chemicals to solution to increase penetration and permanency of dye. Removes dyed articles after specified time. GOE: 06.04.16 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 78 ONET CROSSWALK: 92714 Textile Bleaching and Dyeing Machine Operators and Tenders |
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CODE: 582.685-034 Buy the DOT: Download
COLORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) alternate titles: dyer
Tends one or more tumbling vats that dye felt hat bodies: Dumps hat bodies into perforated
tumbler. Pours premixed dye powder into vat and turns valves to admit water and steam to fill and
heat vat. Starts tumbler revolving to saturate hat bodies with dye. Adds prescribed chemicals to
solution to increase penetration and permanency of dye. Removes dyed articles after specified time.
GOE: 06.04.16 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 78
ONET CROSSWALK: 92714 Textile Bleaching and Dyeing Machine Operators and Tenders
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03