TITLE(s): BALANCING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any industry) Operates dynamic balance machine to locate points of imbalance on parts, such as spindles, impeller wheels, armatures, rotors, and steam engine flywheels, and balances parts by removing excess metal, using handtools and power tools, or adding metal, using soldering and welding equipment: Signals crane operator to position workpiece on machine pedestals. Slides drive belt over shaft of workpiece or moves drive wheel against workpiece to connect power source that rotates workpiece. Starts machine to rotate workpiece at specified speed. Moves controls of machine to locate points of imbalance indicated by light beam from strobe lamp on identification marks of workpiece, position of wave crest of trace pattern on oscilloscope screen, or readings on wattmeter and protractor dial. Computes amount of weight to be added to or removed from workpiece, or changes size and location of test weight until zero reading is indicated on ammeter. Drills, grinds, chips, or files metal from heavy side, or welds, solders, or rivets metal pieces to light side to correct imbalance, using power drills and grinders, hand file, and soldering and welding equipment. GOE: 06.02.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77 |
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CODE: 609.462-010 Buy the DOT: Download
Operates dynamic balance machine to locate points of imbalance on parts, such as spindles,
impeller wheels, armatures, rotors, and steam engine flywheels, and balances parts by removing
excess metal, using handtools and power tools, or adding metal, using soldering and welding
equipment: Signals crane operator to position workpiece on machine pedestals. Slides drive belt over
shaft of workpiece or moves drive wheel against workpiece to connect power source that rotates
workpiece. Starts machine to rotate workpiece at specified speed. Moves controls of machine to
locate points of imbalance indicated by light beam from strobe lamp on identification marks of
workpiece, position of wave crest of trace pattern on oscilloscope screen, or readings on wattmeter
and protractor dial. Computes amount of weight to be added to or removed from workpiece, or changes
size and location of test weight until zero reading is indicated on ammeter. Drills, grinds, chips,
or files metal from heavy side, or welds, solders, or rivets metal pieces to light side to correct
imbalance, using power drills and grinders, hand file, and soldering and welding equipment.
GOE: 06.02.02 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L2 SVP: 6 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03