TITLE(s): SHELL-MACHINE OPERATOR (chemical) alternate titles: shell-house operator Sets up and operates machine to make paper cartridge shells for dynamite and impregnate them with paraffin: Positions roll of paper on machine spindle and threads end of paper under shear plate and between rolls. Adjusts bottom crimper, rolls, and shear according to length and diameter of cartridge, using machinist's rule and wrenches. Pours melted paraffin into dispenser and activates heating element. Starts machine and removes formed and impregnated cartridges. GOE: 06.02.09 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77 |
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SHELL-MACHINE OPERATOR (chemical) alternate titles: shell-house operator
Sets up and operates machine to make paper cartridge shells for dynamite and impregnate them with
paraffin: Positions roll of paper on machine spindle and threads end of paper under shear plate and
between rolls. Adjusts bottom crimper, rolls, and shear according to length and diameter of
cartridge, using machinist's rule and wrenches. Pours melted paraffin into dispenser and activates
heating element. Starts machine and removes formed and impregnated cartridges.
GOE: 06.02.09 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03