TITLE(s): EDGE SETTER (boot & shoe) alternate titles: edge burnisher; edge kitter Tends machine that polishes and shapes edges of heel lifts and shoe soles through vibrating action of heated irons: Selects irons according to thickness of heel lift or sole and clamps them in chuck of machine. Turns dial to heat and regulate temperature of irons, according to work ticket. Pushes lever that rotates chuck to bring heel lift or sole into working position. Presses and guides heel or sole against vibrating iron to burnish edges. May brush, dye, ink, or wax edges. May be designated according to part burnished as Edge Setter, Heel Lift (boot & shoe). GOE: 06.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77 |
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CODE: 690.685-146 Buy the DOT: Download
EDGE SETTER (boot & shoe) alternate titles: edge burnisher; edge kitter
Tends machine that polishes and shapes edges of heel lifts and shoe soles through vibrating action
of heated irons: Selects irons according to thickness of heel lift or sole and clamps them in chuck
of machine. Turns dial to heat and regulate temperature of irons, according to work ticket. Pushes
lever that rotates chuck to bring heel lift or sole into working position. Presses and guides heel
or sole against vibrating iron to burnish edges. May brush, dye, ink, or wax edges. May be
designated according to part burnished as Edge Setter, Heel Lift (boot & shoe).
GOE: 06.04.05 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L2 SVP: 3 DLU: 77
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03