TITLE(s): CHEMICAL-ETCHING PROCESSOR (aircraft mfg.) alternate titles: chemical-milling processor; etcher, aircraft Etches specified portions of metal parts and materials used in manufacturing aircraft, using immersion equipment, templates, handtools, and precision measuring instruments: Reads work order, blueprints, and process specifications to determine location of etch, finished dimensions, and method and sequence of operations. Cleans surface of parts and materials to ensure uniform adhesion of maskant. Applies maskant to surfaces to be etched, scribes etch lines, using template, and removes maskant from etch areas. Immerses parts and materials in etching solution for specified time, manually or using hoist. Removes objects from etch solution, rinses objects with water, and removes remaining maskant. Measures etched parts and materials for conformance to specifications, using micrometers, scales, and other precision measuring instruments. May immerse parts and materials in successive baths and rinses to perform surface processing in addition to etching, such as pickling, chromodizing, passivating, degreasing, and stripping, and be designated Process Equipment Operator (aircraft mfg.). GOE: 06.01.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 88 |
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CHEMICAL-ETCHING PROCESSOR (aircraft mfg.) alternate titles: chemical-milling processor;
etcher, aircraft
Etches specified portions of metal parts and materials used in manufacturing aircraft, using
immersion equipment, templates, handtools, and precision measuring instruments: Reads work order,
blueprints, and process specifications to determine location of etch, finished dimensions, and
method and sequence of operations. Cleans surface of parts and materials to ensure uniform adhesion
of maskant. Applies maskant to surfaces to be etched, scribes etch lines, using template, and
removes maskant from etch areas. Immerses parts and materials in etching solution for specified
time, manually or using hoist. Removes objects from etch solution, rinses objects with water, and
removes remaining maskant. Measures etched parts and materials for conformance to specifications,
using micrometers, scales, and other precision measuring instruments. May immerse parts and
materials in successive baths and rinses to perform surface processing in addition to etching, such
as pickling, chromodizing, passivating, degreasing, and stripping, and be designated Process
Equipment Operator (aircraft mfg.).
GOE: 06.01.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R3 M2 L3 SVP: 6 DLU: 88
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03