TITLE(s): INSTRUMENT MECHANIC, WEAPONS SYSTEM (inst. & app.) Repairs, tests, and calibrates optomechanical instruments, such as range finders, gun directors, and fire-control instruments, according to specifications, using handtools, bench machines, and precision measuring instruments: Disassembles optomechanical instruments and inspects for defects, such as broken or worn mechanical parts and scratched or defectively coated optical elements. Fabricates replacement parts, using bench lathes, drill presses, and milling machines. Cleans optical element, using cloth, and immerses element in solution to remove defective coating. Files and hones mechanical parts to facilitate meshing of gears. Coats optical element, using coating equipment. Reassembles instruments and adjusts parts to ensure freedom of movement, using handtools. Installs instrument in test fixture or mount, and sights known objective of fixed distance and height to test sighting accuracy of instrument. Adjusts readings on instrument dials to calibrate instrument according to observation. Measures dial graduations and scales to verify accuracy, using precision measuring instruments. Engraves scales and graduations on instrument dials to correct errors, using pantograph engraving machine. GOE: 05.05.11 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 85905 Precision Instrument Repairers |
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Repairs, tests, and calibrates optomechanical instruments, such as range finders, gun directors,
and fire-control instruments, according to specifications, using handtools, bench machines, and
precision measuring instruments: Disassembles optomechanical instruments and inspects for defects,
such as broken or worn mechanical parts and scratched or defectively coated optical elements.
Fabricates replacement parts, using bench lathes, drill presses, and milling machines. Cleans
optical element, using cloth, and immerses element in solution to remove defective coating. Files
and hones mechanical parts to facilitate meshing of gears. Coats optical element, using coating
equipment. Reassembles instruments and adjusts parts to ensure freedom of movement, using handtools.
Installs instrument in test fixture or mount, and sights known objective of fixed distance and
height to test sighting accuracy of instrument. Adjusts readings on instrument dials to calibrate
instrument according to observation. Measures dial graduations and scales to verify accuracy, using
precision measuring instruments. Engraves scales and graduations on instrument dials to correct
errors, using pantograph engraving machine.
GOE: 05.05.11 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M3 L3 SVP: 8 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 85905 Precision Instrument Repairers
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03