TITLE(s): DRAPERY-HEAD FORMER (retail trade) Forms heading in drapes, using shears, steam iron, and sizing device: Lays drapes on table to straighten fabric. Measures fabric to specification and fastens material to table, using sizing device and clamps. Cuts uneven edges of material with shears. Folds material over crinoline and presses material with steam iron to form heading. GOE: 06.04.27 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 93921 Pressers, Hand |
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CODE: 781.684-030 Buy the DOT: Download
DRAPERY-HEAD FORMER (retail trade)
Forms heading in drapes, using shears, steam iron, and sizing device: Lays drapes on table to
straighten fabric. Measures fabric to specification and fastens material to table, using sizing
device and clamps. Cuts uneven edges of material with shears. Folds material over crinoline and
presses material with steam iron to form heading.
GOE: 06.04.27 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 93921 Pressers, Hand
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03