TITLE(s): SHIRRING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any industry) alternate titles: gatherer; ruffler Operates sewing machine equipped with shirring attachment to shorten or decorate edges of material with gathers or puckers for use in fabricating articles, such as buffing wheels, curtains and tie-backs, casket interiors, hats and caps, and decorative folds in fabrics for garment trimmings: Turns screws to adjust tension of thread, length of stitch, and spacing and width of shirred runnings. Presses knee control to raise gathering device, positions edge of material beneath needle, and lowers gathering device onto material. Trims excess thread and material from shirred material, using scissors or knife-blade attachment. Performs duties as described under SEWING-MACHINE OPERATOR, REGULAR EQUIPMENT (any industry) Master Title. GOE: 06.02.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 78 ONET CROSSWALK: 92721 Sewing Machine Operators, Non-Garment |
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SHIRRING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any industry) alternate titles: gatherer; ruffler
Operates sewing machine equipped with shirring attachment to shorten or decorate edges of material
with gathers or puckers for use in fabricating articles, such as buffing wheels, curtains and
tie-backs, casket interiors, hats and caps, and decorative folds in fabrics for garment trimmings:
Turns screws to adjust tension of thread, length of stitch, and spacing and width of shirred
runnings. Presses knee control to raise gathering device, positions edge of material beneath needle,
and lowers gathering device onto material. Trims excess thread and material from shirred material,
using scissors or knife-blade attachment. Performs duties as described under SEWING-MACHINE
OPERATOR, REGULAR EQUIPMENT (any industry) Master Title.
GOE: 06.02.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 4 DLU: 78
ONET CROSSWALK: 92721 Sewing Machine Operators, Non-Garment
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03