TITLE(s): PARACHUTE FOLDER (tex. prod., nec) Folds circular or rectangular parachutes preparatory to further processing, using any of following methods: (1) Hangs circular parachute canopy on wall hook, prior to attachment of shroud lines, and folds canopy lengthwise along seams, one panel over another. Removes canopy from hook and rolls canopy from top to bottom. (2) Spreads circular canopy on table, after shroud lines are attached, and straightens canopy and lines to eliminate wrinkles, tangles, or coils. Clamps shroud lines to table edge with vise, loops lines through hook in wall, and pulls lines taut. Splices loops in ends of shroud lines, using cotton twine. Folds canopy lengthwise along seams, one panel over another. Rolls canopy from top to bottom, removes shroud lines from hook, wraps lines around rolled canopy, and secures bundle with rubber bands. (3) Folds rectangular canopy in half lengthwise and spreads canopy on table with shroud lines hanging over table edge. Folds canopy fanwise so that shroud lines are grouped together. Straightens lines to eliminate coils and tangles, and ties lines and flare suspension cords together. Cuts off excess line and cord ends, using scissors. Rolls canopy from top to bottom and wraps lines and cords around canopy. GOE: 06.04.27 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 93998 Elemental Hand Workers |
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PARACHUTE FOLDER (tex. prod., nec)
Folds circular or rectangular parachutes preparatory to further processing, using any of following
methods: (1) Hangs circular parachute canopy on wall hook, prior to attachment of shroud lines, and
folds canopy lengthwise along seams, one panel over another. Removes canopy from hook and rolls
canopy from top to bottom. (2) Spreads circular canopy on table, after shroud lines are attached,
and straightens canopy and lines to eliminate wrinkles, tangles, or coils. Clamps shroud lines to
table edge with vise, loops lines through hook in wall, and pulls lines taut. Splices loops in ends
of shroud lines, using cotton twine. Folds canopy lengthwise along seams, one panel over another.
Rolls canopy from top to bottom, removes shroud lines from hook, wraps lines around rolled canopy,
and secures bundle with rubber bands. (3) Folds rectangular canopy in half lengthwise and spreads
canopy on table with shroud lines hanging over table edge. Folds canopy fanwise so that shroud lines
are grouped together. Straightens lines to eliminate coils and tangles, and ties lines and flare
suspension cords together. Cuts off excess line and cord ends, using scissors. Rolls canopy from top
to bottom and wraps lines and cords around canopy.
GOE: 06.04.27 STRENGTH: H GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 3 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 93998 Elemental Hand Workers
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03