TITLE(s): PAPERHANGER (construction) Covers interior walls and ceilings of rooms with decorative wallpaper or fabric, using handtools: Measures walls and ceiling to compute number and length of strips required to cover surface. Sets up pasteboard and erects scaffolding. Marks vertical guideline on wall to align first strip, using plumb bob and chalkline. Smooths rough spots on walls and ceilings, using sandpaper. Fills holes and cracks with plaster, using trowel. Removes paint, varnish, and grease from surfaces, using paint remover and water soda solution. Applies acetic acid to damp plaster to prevent lime from bleeding through paper. Applies sizing (thin glue) to waterproof porous surfaces, using brush, roller, or pasting machine. Measures and cuts strips from roll of wallpaper or fabric, using shears or razor. Mixes paste to desired consistency and brushes paste on back of wallpaper or fabric, using paste brush. Trims selvage (rough edge) from strips, using straightedge and trimming knife. Places paste-coated strips on wall or ceiling to match adjacent edges of figured strips, and smooths strips with dry brush or felt-covered roller to remove wrinkles and bubbles. Smooths joints with seam roller and trims excess material at ceiling and baseboard, using knife. Removes old paper, using water, steam machine, or chemical remover and scraper. May apply paint to interior or exterior surface of buildings [PAINTER (construction)]. GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77 ONET CROSSWALK: 87402B Paperhangers |
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PAPERHANGER (construction)
Covers interior walls and ceilings of rooms with decorative wallpaper or fabric, using handtools:
Measures walls and ceiling to compute number and length of strips required to cover surface. Sets up
pasteboard and erects scaffolding. Marks vertical guideline on wall to align first strip, using
plumb bob and chalkline. Smooths rough spots on walls and ceilings, using sandpaper. Fills holes and
cracks with plaster, using trowel. Removes paint, varnish, and grease from surfaces, using paint
remover and water soda solution. Applies acetic acid to damp plaster to prevent lime from bleeding
through paper. Applies sizing (thin glue) to waterproof porous surfaces, using brush, roller, or
pasting machine. Measures and cuts strips from roll of wallpaper or fabric, using shears or razor.
Mixes paste to desired consistency and brushes paste on back of wallpaper or fabric, using paste
brush. Trims selvage (rough edge) from strips, using straightedge and trimming knife. Places
paste-coated strips on wall or ceiling to match adjacent edges of figured strips, and smooths strips
with dry brush or felt-covered roller to remove wrinkles and bubbles. Smooths joints with seam
roller and trims excess material at ceiling and baseboard, using knife. Removes old paper, using
water, steam machine, or chemical remover and scraper. May apply paint to interior or exterior
surface of buildings [PAINTER (construction)].
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: M GED: R4 M2 L2 SVP: 7 DLU: 77
ONET CROSSWALK: 87402B Paperhangers
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03