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CODE: 842.361-030Buy the DOT: Download
TITLE(s): DRY-WALL APPLICATOR (construction) alternate titles: dry-wall installations mechanic;

dry-wall installer; gypsum dry-wall systems installer Plans gypsum drywall installations, erects metal framing and furring channels for fastening drywall, and installs drywall to cover walls, ceilings, soffits, shafts, and movable partitions in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings: Reads blueprints and other specifications to determine method of installation, work procedures, and material, tool, and work aid requirements. Lays out reference lines and points for use in computing location and position of metal framing and furring channels and marks position for erecting metalwork, using chalkline. Measures, marks, and cuts metal runners, studs, and furring channels to specified size, using tape measure, straightedge and hand and portable power cutting tools. Secures metal framing to walls and furring channels to ceilings, using hand and portable power tools. Measures and marks cutting lines on drywall, using square, tape measure, and marking devices. Scribes cutting lines on drywall, using straightedge and utility knife and breaks board along cut lines. Fits and fastens board into specified position on wall, using screws, handtools, portable power tools, or adhesive. Cuts openings into board for electrical outlets, vents, or fixtures, using keyhole saw or other cutting tools. Measures, cuts, assembles, and installs metal framing and decorative trim for windows, doorways, and vents. Fits, aligns, and hangs doors and installs hardware, such as locks and kickplates [CARPENTER (construction)] 860.381-022]. Worker is usually assisted by other workers.
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: V GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 81
ONET CROSSWALK: 87108 Drywall Installers

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CODE: 842.361-030 Buy the DOT: Download
TITLE(s): DRY-WALL APPLICATOR (construction) alternate titles: dry-wall installations mechanic;

dry-wall installer; gypsum dry-wall systems installer Plans gypsum drywall installations, erects metal framing and furring channels for fastening drywall, and installs drywall to cover walls, ceilings, soffits, shafts, and movable partitions in residential, commercial, and industrial buildings: Reads blueprints and other specifications to determine method of installation, work procedures, and material, tool, and work aid requirements. Lays out reference lines and points for use in computing location and position of metal framing and furring channels and marks position for erecting metalwork, using chalkline. Measures, marks, and cuts metal runners, studs, and furring channels to specified size, using tape measure, straightedge and hand and portable power cutting tools. Secures metal framing to walls and furring channels to ceilings, using hand and portable power tools. Measures and marks cutting lines on drywall, using square, tape measure, and marking devices. Scribes cutting lines on drywall, using straightedge and utility knife and breaks board along cut lines. Fits and fastens board into specified position on wall, using screws, handtools, portable power tools, or adhesive. Cuts openings into board for electrical outlets, vents, or fixtures, using keyhole saw or other cutting tools. Measures, cuts, assembles, and installs metal framing and decorative trim for windows, doorways, and vents. Fits, aligns, and hangs doors and installs hardware, such as locks and kickplates [CARPENTER (construction)] 860.381-022]. Worker is usually assisted by other workers.
GOE: 05.05.04 STRENGTH: V GED: R3 M3 L3 SVP: 7 DLU: 81
ONET CROSSWALK: 87108 Drywall Installers

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