TITLE(s): MICROPHONE-BOOM OPERATOR (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) alternate titles: boom operator Moves levers on adjustable boom to position microphone in proximity of performers during filming of motion picture or television broadcasts: Attaches microphone to rubber supports at end of boom and places preamplifier in container attached to boom as directed by SOUND MIXER (motion picture; recording; radio-tv broad.) 194.262-018. Connects microphone wires to preamplifier and preamplifier wires to sound mixing apparatus. Positions microphone so as not to cast shadows or come in view of camera. Moves boom according to script and position of performers. GOE: 05.10.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 87 ONET CROSSWALK: 98799A Grips and Set-Up Workers, Motion Picture Sets, Studios, and Stages |
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MICROPHONE-BOOM OPERATOR (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) alternate titles: boom
Moves levers on adjustable boom to position microphone in proximity of performers during filming
of motion picture or television broadcasts: Attaches microphone to rubber supports at end of boom
and places preamplifier in container attached to boom as directed by SOUND MIXER (motion picture;
recording; radio-tv broad.) 194.262-018. Connects microphone wires to preamplifier and preamplifier
wires to sound mixing apparatus. Positions microphone so as not to cast shadows or come in view of
camera. Moves boom according to script and position of performers.
GOE: 05.10.05 STRENGTH: L GED: R3 M1 L2 SVP: 5 DLU: 87
ONET CROSSWALK: 98799A Grips and Set-Up Workers, Motion Picture Sets, Studios, and Stages
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03