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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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Pneumatic-Drum Sander (woodworking) 761.682-014
PNEUMATIC-HOIST OPERATOR (construction; mfd. bldgs.) 921.663-046
PNEUMATIC JACKETER (nonfer. metal) 691.667-010
PNEUMATIC-JACK OPERATOR (petrol. & gas) 939.682-014
pneumatic-press operator (any industry) see AIR-PRESS OPERATOR
pneumatic-systems operator (food prep., nec) 921.382-010
Pneumatic Tester (any industry) 862.687-018
pneumatic-tool operator (construction) see AIR-TOOL OPERATOR
PNEUMATIC-TOOL OPERATOR (ship-boat mfg.) 809.381-030
PNEUMATIC-TOOL REPAIRER (any industry) 630.281-010
Pneumatic-Tube Fitter (construction) 862.281-022
pneumatic-tube operator (clerical) 239.687-014
PNEUMATIC-TUBE REPAIRER (any industry) 630.281-014
POACHER OPERATOR (chemical) 551.685-106
Poacher-Wringer Operator (chemical) 551.685-162
Pocket-And-Pulley-Machine Operator (saw. & plan.) 667.482-014
Pocket Assembler (toy-sport equip.) 732.384-010
Pocketbook Framer (leather prod.) 739.684-090
pocket builder (rubber tire) 750.684-010
Pocket Creaser (garment; knitting) 583.685-042
POCKET CUTTER (woodworking) 667.482-014
POCKETED-SPRING ASSEMBLER (furniture) 780.684-090
pocketed-spring-machine operator (furniture) 616.685-050
Pocket-Flap-Creasing-Machine Operator (garment) 583.685-042
Pocket-Grinder Operator (paper & pulp) 530.662-014
POCKET-MACHINE OPERATOR (furniture) 616.685-050
pocket maker (garment) 786.682-210
Pocket Marker (garment) 781.687-042
Pocket Presser (garment) 363.684-018
Pocket-Secretary Assembler (leather prod.) 783.684-010
POCKET SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-210
PODIATRIC ASSISTANT (medical ser.) 079.374-018
Podiatric Surgeon (medical ser.) 079.101-022
PODIATRIST (medical ser.) 079.101-022
Podiatrist, Orthopedic (medical ser.) 079.101-022
Podopediatrician (medical ser.) 079.101-022
POET (profess. & kin.) 131.067-042
Pointer, Caulker, And Cleaner (construction) 869.664-014
POINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (plastic prod.; rubber goods) 690.685-310
poiser, balance (clock & watch) 715.681-010
poker-in (steel & rel.) 512.683-010
polarity tester (elec. equip.) 727.687-054
pole classifier (wood prod., nec) 561.587-010
POLE FRAMER (utilities; wood prod., nec) 959.684-010
Pole Framer, Machine (wood prod., nec) 669.662-014
Pole-Incisor Operator (wood prod., nec) 569.662-010
POLE INSPECTOR (utilities) 869.387-010
POLE INSPECTOR (wood prod., nec) 561.587-010
pole peeler (saw. & plan.; wood prod., nec) 663.682-014
pole-peeler helper (wood prod., nec) 665.686-010
POLE-PEELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (saw. & plan.; wood prod., nec) 663.682-014
POLE-PEELING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (wood prod., nec) 665.686-010
poler (millwork-plywood; paper & pulp; saw. & plan.) 921.686-022
Pole-Sander Operator (woodworking) 662.685-014
pole setter (utilities) 821.687-010
pole shaver (saw. & plan.; wood prod., nec) 663.682-014
pole-shaver helper (wood prod., nec) 665.686-010
pole tester (utilities) 869.387-010
Pole-Truck Driver (construction; tel. & tel.; utilities) 904.383-010
POLEYARD SUPERVISOR (utilities) 929.137-014
POLICE-ACADEMY INSTRUCTOR (government ser.) 375.227-010
POLICE ACADEMY PROGRAM COORDINATOR (government ser.) 375.167-054
POLICE AIDE (government ser.) 243.362-014
POLICE ARTIST (government ser.) 141.061-034
POLICE CAPTAIN, PRECINCT (government ser.) 375.167-034
police captain, senior (government ser.) 375.267-026
police chemist (profess. & kin.) 029.261-026
POLICE CHIEF (government ser.) 375.117-010
Police Chief, Deputy (government ser.) 375.267-026
POLICE CLERK (government ser.) 375.362-010
POLICE COMMISSIONER I (government ser.) 188.117-118
Police Commissioner II (government ser.) 375.117-010
police-department secretary (government ser.) 375.137-022
police inspector, chief (government ser.) 375.117-010
POLICE INSPECTOR I (government ser.) 375.267-026
POLICE INSPECTOR II (government ser.) 375.267-030
police judge (government ser.) 111.107-014
police justice (government ser.) 111.107-014
POLICE LIEUTENANT, COMMUNITY RELATIONS (government ser.) 375.137-018
POLICE LIEUTENANT, PATROL (government ser.) 375.167-038
Police Lieutenant, Precinct (government ser.) 375.167-034
police magistrate (government ser.) 111.107-014
POLICE OFFICER, BOOKING (government ser.) 375.367-018
POLICE OFFICER, CRIME PREVENTION (government ser.) 375.264-010
POLICE OFFICER I (government ser.) 375.263-014
POLICE OFFICER II (government ser.) 375.367-010
POLICE OFFICER III (government ser.) 375.267-038
POLICE OFFICER, SAFETY INSTRUCTION (government ser.) 375.267-042
police radio dispatcher (government ser.) 379.362-010
POLICE SERGEANT, PRECINCT I (government ser.) 375.133-010
Police Sergeant, Precinct II (government ser.) 375.167-034
Police Sergeant, Radio Patrol (government ser.) 375.133-010
Police Stenographer (government ser.) 202.362-014
POLICE SURGEON (medical ser.) 070.101-082
policy-cancellation clerk (insurance) 203.382-014
POLICY-CHANGE CLERK (insurance) 219.362-042
Policy Checker (insurance) 219.482-014
Policy-Issue Clerk (insurance) 203.362-010
policy-issue supervisor (insurance) 219.132-022
Policy-Loan Calculator (insurance) 216.382-050
policy rater (insurance) 214.482-022
POLICY-VALUE CALCULATOR (insurance) 216.382-050
Policy Writer (insurance) 203.582-066
POLISHER (any industry) 705.684-058
polisher (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
polisher (boot & shoe) 690.685-058
POLISHER (button & notion) 599.685-078
POLISHER (clock & watch) 715.682-018
polisher (fabrication, nec) 739.684-026
POLISHER (glass mfg.; glass products) 775.684-058
POLISHER (jewelry-silver.) 700.687-058
polisher (sugar & conf.) 524.382-010
POLISHER (woodworking) 761.684-026
Polisher, Aluminum (any industry) 705.684-058
Polisher And Buffer I (any industry) 705.684-014
POLISHER AND BUFFER II (any industry) 705.684-062
polisher and sander (wood prod., nec) 662.685-026
POLISHER APPRENTICE (any industry) 705.684-066
POLISHER, BALANCE SCREWHEAD (clock & watch) 715.685-046
Polisher, Brass (any industry) 705.684-058
Polisher, Bronze (any industry) 705.684-058
POLISHER, DIAL (clock & watch) 715.684-170
POLISHER, EYEGLASS FRAMES (optical goods) 713.684-038
polisher, hand (stonework) 775.664-010
POLISHER, IMPLANT (optical goods) 713.687-034
Polisher, Numeral (clock & watch) 715.684-170
POLISHER, SAND (jewelry-silver.) 705.684-070
Polisher, Zinc (any industry) 705.684-058
POLISHING-MACHINE OPERATOR (any industry) 603.682-026
polishing-machine operator (stonework) 673.382-018
POLISHING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (any industry) 603.686-010
polishing-machine operator, semiautomatic (jewelry-silver.) 603.682-022
POLISHING MACHINE TENDER (electron. comp.) 673.685-094
POLISHING-PAD MOUNTER (optical goods) 739.687-154
polishing-wheel repairer (any industry) 739.684-030
POLISHING-WHEEL SETTER (any industry) 776.684-014
Political Officer (government ser.) 188.117-106
POLITICAL SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.) 051.067-010
poll clerk (government ser.) 205.367-030
POLLUTION-CONTROL ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 019.081-018
POLLUTION-CONTROL TECHNICIAN (profess. & kin.) 029.261-014
poly-area supervisor (plastic-synth.) 559.132-042
Polyethylene-Bag-Machine Operator (paper goods) 649.685-014
Polyethylene Combiner (paper goods) 534.682-026
POLYGRAPH EXAMINER (profess. & kin.) 199.267-026
POLYMERIZATION HELPER (plastic-synth.) 558.585-038
POLYMERIZATION-KETTLE OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 558.382-050
POLYMERIZATION OPERATOR (chemical; plastic-synth.) term
POLYMERIZATION-OVEN OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 556.585-014
Polymerization Supervisor (plastic-synth.) 559.132-042
Polymer Operator (plastic-synth.) 559.382-018
POLY-PACKER AND HEAT-SEALER (protective dev.) 920.686-038
POLYSILICON PREPARATION WORKER (electron. comp.) 590.684-038
POLYSOMNOGRAPHIC TECHNICIAN (medical ser.) 078.362-042
polysomnographic technologist (medical ser.) 078.362-042
POLYSTYRENE-BEAD MOLDER (plastic prod.) 556.382-018
POLYSTYRENE-MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (plastic prod.) 556.685-062
POMPOM MAKER (knitting) 789.687-126
pondsaw operator (paper & pulp; saw. & plan.) 667.685-034
Pond Scaler (paper & pulp; saw. & plan.) 455.487-010
POND TENDER (chemical) 939.685-010
POND WORKER (millwork-plywood; paper & pulp; saw. & plan.) 921.686-022
Pony-Cylinder-Press Feeder (print. & pub.) 651.686-010
Pony-Cylinder-Press Operator (print. & pub.) 651.362-010
PONY EDGER (saw. & plan.) 667.682-050
Pony-Ride Attendant (amuse. & rec.) 349.674-010
Pony-Roll Finisher (paper & pulp) 920.685-090
pony winder (paper goods) 640.685-058
Pool-Hall Inspector (government ser.) 375.263-014
pooling operator (medical ser.; pharmaceut.) 599.687-026
poolroom attendant (amuse. & rec.) 340.477-010
pool servicer (any industry) 891.684-018
POPCORN-CANDY MAKER (sugar & conf.) 526.685-042
popcorn maker (sugar & conf.) 526.685-026
popped-corn oven attendant (sugar & conf.) 526.685-026
porcelain-buildup assistant (protective dev.) 712.684-030
PORCELAIN-ENAMELING SUPERVISOR (any industry) 590.131-010
Porcelain-Enamel Installer (construction; retail trade) 863.684-014
PORCELAIN-ENAMEL LABORER (any industry) 509.687-014
PORCELAIN-ENAMEL REPAIRER (any industry) 741.684-030
Porcelain-Enamel Sprayer (any industry) 741.684-026
porcelain finisher (protective dev.) 712.664-010
Porcelain Slusher (any industry) 599.685-026
porcelain waxer (protective dev.) 712.664-010
portable grinder operator (any industry) 705.684-030
Portable Grout-Mixer Operator (concrete prod.; construction) 869.687-026
PORTABLE SAWYER (railroad equip.) 899.684-030
Port Captain (water trans.) 184.167-182
port drier (textile) 581.685-026
PORT ENGINEER (ship-boat mfg.; water trans.) 014.167-014
PORTER (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.) 357.677-010
porter (any industry) 381.687-014
porter, baggage (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.) 357.677-010
PORTER, BAGGAGE (hotel & rest.) 324.477-010
porter, bath (personal ser.) 335.677-014
porter, head (any industry) 381.137-010
Porter, Lobby (hotel & rest.) 323.687-018
porter, luggage (hotel & rest.) 324.477-010
PORTER, MARINA (water trans.) 329.677-010
porter, pullman (r.r. trans.) 351.677-010
PORTER, SAMPLE CASE (wholesale tr.) 299.687-010
PORTER, USED-CAR LOT (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 915.687-022
portfolio administrator (financial; insurance) 186.167-054
PORT PURSER (water trans.) 166.167-038
portrait photographer apprentice (profess. & kin.) 143.062-018
PORT-TRAFFIC MANAGER (water trans.) 184.167-122
port warden (government ser.) 375.167-026
Position Classifier (government ser.) 166.267-018
position clerk (financial) 210.367-014
Positive Developer (motion picture; photofinishing) 976.382-018
positive printer operator (motion picture) 976.682-010
postage-machine operator (clerical) 208.685-026
postal clerk (clerical) 209.687-026
postal clerk (government ser.) 243.367-014
Postal Inspector (government ser.) 168.267-062
Postbed Stitcher (boot & shoe) 690.682-082
Post-Form Remover (elec. equip.) 727.687-070
post-hole digger (construction; utilities) 859.682-010
POSTMASTER (government ser.) 188.167-066
POST-OFFICE CLERK (government ser.) 243.367-014
post-office supervisor (government ser.) 243.137-010
Post-Wave Assembler (electron. comp.) 726.684-070
Pot Annealer (heat treating) 504.682-010
Potash Flaker (chemical) 559.685-074
potato-chip cooker machine (food prep., nec) 526.685-046
POTATO-CHIP FRIER (food prep., nec) 526.685-046
POTATO-CHIP-PROCESSING SUPERVISOR (food prep., nec) 526.137-010
POTATO-CHIP SORTER (food prep., nec) 526.687-010
Potato Grader (agriculture; wholesale tr.) 529.687-186
POTATO-PANCAKE FRIER (food prep., nec) 526.685-050
POTATO-PEELING-MACHINE OPERATOR (food prep., nec) 521.685-250
potato-seed cutter (agriculture) 404.686-010
Potato Sorter (agriculture; wholesale tr.) 529.687-186
potato spotter (food prep., nec) 521.687-094
POT BUILDER (chemical) 826.684-022
Potdevin Cementer, Machine (boot & shoe) 690.686-018
POT FIRER (chemical) 553.582-014
Pot-Holder Binder (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-010
POTLINE MONITOR (smelt. & refin.) 512.467-010
POT LINER (smelt. & refin.) 519.664-014
POT-LINING SUPERVISOR (smelt. & refin.) 519.134-010
Pot Maker (brick & tile) 575.684-042
pot maker (pottery & porc.) 774.381-010
pot maker (pottery & porc.) 774.382-010
pot-press operator (pottery & porc.) 575.685-034
pot puncher (smelt. & refin.) 512.685-018
POT-ROOM SUPERVISOR (smelt. & refin.) 512.135-010
pot runner (galvanizing) 501.685-010
POT TENDER (smelt. & refin.) 512.685-018
Potter (electron. comp.) 726.687-022
Potter (pottery & porc.) 774.382-010
POTTERY-MACHINE OPERATOR (pottery & porc.) 774.382-010
Pottery Striper (pottery & porc.) 741.687-022
Pouch-Making-Machine Operator (tobacco) 920.685-098
POULTICE-MACHINE OPERATOR (pharmaceut.) 692.685-134
poultry-and-fish butcher (hotel & rest.) 316.684-010
POULTRY BONER (meat products) 525.687-066
POULTRY BREEDER (agriculture) 411.161-014
poultry culler (agriculture) 411.687-010
POULTRY DEBEAKER (agriculture) 411.687-026
POULTRY DRESSER (agriculture; meat products) 525.687-070
POULTRY-DRESSING WORKER (meat products) 525.687-082
POULTRY EVISCERATOR (meat products) 525.687-074
POULTRY FARMER (agriculture) 411.161-018
Poultry Farmer, Egg (agriculture) 411.161-018
Poultry Farmer, Meat (agriculture) 411.161-018
Poultry-Feed-Mixer Operator (grain-feed mills) 520.685-098
Poultry Feed Supervisor (grain-feed mills) 529.132-054
POULTRY HANGER (meat products) 525.687-078
poultry helper (agriculture) 411.584-010
POULTRY INSEMINATOR (agriculture) 411.384-010
POULTRY KILLER (meat products) 525.684-042
Poultry Picker (meat products) 525.687-070
POULTRY-PICKING MACHINE TENDER (meat products) 525.685-026
Poultry Scalder (meat products) 525.687-070
POULTRY SCIENTIST (profess. & kin.) 040.061-042
Poultry Specialist Supervisor (government ser.) 168.167-090
POULTRY TENDER (agriculture) 411.364-014
POULTRY VACCINATOR (agriculture) 411.684-014
pouncer (hat & cap) 784.687-018
pouncer (hat & cap) 585.685-074
pouncer, machine (hat & cap) 585.685-074
POUNCING-LATHE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 585.685-074
pouncing-machine operator (hat & cap) 585.685-074
pouncing-machine operator (hat & cap) 585.685-058
POUNDER (boot & shoe) 690.685-314
POURED-CONCRETE-WALL TECHNICIAN (construction) 869.261-018
poured-pipe maker (concrete prod.) 779.684-014
POURER (fabrication, nec) 739.687-158
pourer (leather mfg.) 584.687-010
pourer (leather mfg.) 584.687-014
pourer (plastic prod.) 754.684-022
pourer (pottery & porc.) 575.684-014
POURER (rubber goods) 556.687-026
pourer (smelt. & refin.) 514.682-010
Pourer, Buggy Ladle (foundry) 514.684-022
Pourer, Bull Ladle (foundry) 514.684-022
Pourer, Crane Ladle (foundry) 514.684-022
Pourer, Crucible (foundry) 514.684-022
POURER, METAL (foundry) 514.684-022
powder-actuated-tool operator (construction) see STUD-DRIVER OPERATOR
POWDER BLENDER AND POURER (chemical) 550.485-022
powder carrier (any industry) 859.687-010
Powder Compounder (pharmaceut.) 550.685-090
POWDER-CUTTING OPERATOR (chemical) 559.685-134
Powdered-Sugar-Pulverizer Operator (sugar & conf.) 521.585-018
POWDERER (hat & cap) 784.687-058
Powder Gilder (wood prod., nec) 763.381-010
Powder Guard (construction) 372.667-034
POWDER-LINE REPAIRER (chemical) 629.261-018
POWDER LOADER (mine & quarry) 931.667-010
POWDER-MILL OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 521.585-018
Powder Mixer (chemical) 550.685-090
powder monkey (clerical) 222.367-038
powder nipper (clerical) 222.367-038
powder operator (can. & preserv.; dairy products) 523.682-022
powder-press operator (chemical) 556.685-014
powder-press operator (chemical) 557.682-010
powder shoveler (chemical) 692.686-038
POWDER-TRUCK DRIVER (ordnance) 903.683-014
Powder Trucker (chemical; ordnance) 929.687-030
POWDER WORKER, TNT (ordnance) 737.684-030
POWER-BARKER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; saw. & plan.) 669.485-010
power-brake operator (any industry) 617.360-010
POWER-CHISEL OPERATOR (cutlery-hrdwr.) 701.687-030
power-cleaner operator (any industry) 389.683-010
power-cutting-machine operator (tex. prod., nec) 686.682-018
power dispatcher (utilities) 952.167-014
POWER-DISTRIBUTION ENGINEER (utilities) 003.167-046
POWER-DRIVEN-BRUSH MAKER (fabrication, nec) 692.682-050
POWERED BRIDGE SPECIALIST (military ser.) 378.683-014
power engineer (utilities) 952.382-018
power engineer (utilities) 003.167-018
power equipment mechanic (government ser.) 620.281-014
power-grader operator (construction) 850.663-022
power-hammer operator (aircraft mfg.) 617.382-014
Power-Hammer Operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-350
power hammer repairer (forging) 626.261-010
powerhouse attendant (chemical) 952.362-038
powerhouse engineer (utilities) 952.382-018
POWERHOUSE HELPER (chemical) 550.685-098
POWERHOUSE MECHANIC (utilities) 631.261-014
POWERHOUSE-MECHANIC HELPER (utilities) 631.684-010
powerhouse oiler (any industry) 950.685-014
power-line inspector (utilities) 821.367-010
power-nut-runner operator (any industry) 699.685-026
POWER OPERATOR (tel. & tel.) 952.382-014
power-panel assembler (elec. equip.) 721.381-014
power-plant assistant (utilities) 952.367-014
power-plant engineer (utilities) 952.382-018
power-plant operator (any industry) 950.382-026
POWER-PLANT OPERATOR (utilities) 952.382-018
power-plant-operator apprentice (any industry) 950.382-030
power-press operator (any industry) 699.682-022
POWER-PRESS OPERATOR (any industry) term
power-press supervisor (jewelry-silver.) 615.130-010
POWER-PRESS TENDER (any industry) 617.685-026
POWER-REACTOR OPERATOR (utilities) 952.362-022
POWER-SAW MECHANIC (any industry) 625.281-030
power-saw operator (machine shop) 607.682-010
power-saw operator (wood. container) 667.662-014
powersaw supervisor (logging) 454.134-010
POWER-SCREWDRIVER OPERATOR (any industry) 699.685-026
power-shear operator (any industry) 615.682-018
power-shear operator (any industry) 615.685-034
POWER-SHOVEL OPERATOR (any industry) 850.683-030
Power-Shovel-Operator Helper (any industry) 921.667-022
Power-Sweeper Operator (any industry) 919.683-022
power-switchboard operator (utilities) 952.362-026
Power-Tool Assembler (house. appl.) 723.684-010
power-tool repairer (any industry) 729.281-022
Power-Transformer Assembler (elec. equip.) 820.381-014
POWER-TRANSFORMER REPAIRER (utilities) 821.361-034
Power-Transformer-Repair Supervisor (utilities) 829.131-014
POWER-TRANSMISSION ENGINEER (utilities) 003.167-050
power washer (any industry) 503.685-030
preacher (profess. & kin.) 120.107-010
PREASSEMBLER AND INSPECTOR (musical inst.) 730.684-058
PREASSEMBLER, PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD (electron. comp.) 726.687-038
Preboarder (knitting) 589.685-010
PRECAST MOLDER (concrete prod.) 579.685-042
precast worker (concrete prod.) 579.685-042
precinct captain (government ser.) 375.167-034
PRECIPITATE WASHER (chemical) 551.685-110
Precipitation Equipment Tender (chemical) 558.685-062
PRECIPITATOR I (smelt. & refin.) 511.685-038
PRECIPITATOR II (smelt. & refin.) 511.685-042
Precipitator Operator (chemical) 558.682-014
PRECIPITATOR OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) term
PRECIPITATOR SUPERVISOR (smelt. & refin.; steel & rel.) 511.132-010
PRECISE WINDER (textile) 681.685-066
PRECISION ASSEMBLER (aircraft mfg.) 806.381-082
PRECISION ASSEMBLER, BENCH (aircraft mfg.) 706.381-050
precision filer, hand (machine shop) 705.484-010
precision grinder (machine shop) 603.280-018
precision grinder (machine shop) 603.280-022
precision grinder, external (machine shop) 603.280-010
precision grinder, surface (machine shop) 603.280-014
precision grinder, universal (machine shop) 603.280-030
precision-honing-machine operator (machine shop) 603.382-022
precision inspector (machine shop) 601.281-022
precision-instrument and tool maker (any industry) 600.280-010
precision jig grinder (machine shop) 603.280-026
precision lap hand (machine shop) 705.481-014
precision-lathe operator (machine shop) 604.280-010
PRECISION-LENS CENTERER AND EDGER (optical goods) 716.462-010
PRECISION-LENS GENERATOR (optical goods) 716.682-014
PRECISION-LENS GRINDER (optical goods) 716.382-018
PRECISION-LENS-GRINDER APPRENTICE (optical goods) 716.382-022
PRECISION-LENS POLISHER (optical goods) 716.682-018
precision lens technician (optical goods) 716.280-018
precision-mechanical-instrument maker (any industry) 600.280-010
precision-mechanical-instrument-maker apprentice (any industry) 600.280-018
PRECISION-OPTICAL WORKER (optical goods) term
precision-thread-grinder operator (machine shop) 603.260-010
PREDATORY-ANIMAL HUNTER (fishing & hunt.) 461.661-010
prefitter (furniture) 763.684-026
PREFITTER, DOORS (woodworking) 666.582-010
preformer, impregnated fabrics (plastic prod.) 754.684-050
Preforming-Machine Operator (electron. comp.) 590.684-014
PREFORM-MACHINE OPERATOR (button & notion) 556.380-014
preform-machine operator (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 556.685-058
PREFORM PLATE MAKER (ship-boat mfg.) 751.684-026
prehemmer (tex. prod., nec) 781.684-034
Preliminary-Block-Press Operator (chemical) 556.685-014
premium-cancellation clerk (insurance) 203.382-014
premium-card-cancellation clerk (insurance) 203.382-014
Premium-Note Interest-Calculator Clerk (insurance) 216.482-022
Premix Operator, Concentrate (grain-feed mills) 523.685-022
preparation center coordinator (hotel & rest.) 313.131-018
Preparation-Plant Repairer (mine & quarry) 630.281-022
PREPARATION-ROOM WORKER (nonmet. min.) 570.686-018
PREPARATION SUPERVISOR (can. & preserv.) 529.137-010
Preparation Supervisor, Canning (can. & preserv.) 529.137-010
Preparation Supervisor, Freezing (can. & preserv.) 529.137-010
PREPARER (jewelry-silver.) 700.687-062
preparer (leather mfg.) 585.684-010
PREPARER, MAKING DEPARTMENT (jewelry-silver.) 700.684-058
PREPARER, SAMPLES AND REPAIRS (jewelry-silver.) 700.684-062
PREPAROLE-COUNSELING AIDE (government ser.) 195.367-026
PREPLEATER (tex. prod., nec) 686.685-046
Prescription Clerk, Frames (optical goods) 222.367-050
PRESCRIPTION CLERK, LENS-AND-FRAMES (optical goods) 222.367-050
Prescription Clerk, Lenses (optical goods) 222.367-050
preservationist (profess. & kin.) 055.381-010
PRESERVATIVE FILLER, MACHINE (can. & preserv.) 529.685-190
presetter operator (textile) 587.685-018
PRESIDENT (any industry) 189.117-026
President, Business School (education) 090.117-034
President, College Or University (education) 090.117-034
President, Commercial Bank (financial) 186.117-054
President, Credit Union (financial) 186.117-054
President, Finance Company (financial) 186.117-054
President, Mortgage Company (financial) 186.117-054
President, Savings Bank (financial) 186.117-054
President, Trust Company (financial) 186.117-054
press-and-blow-machine tender (glass mfg.) 575.685-038
PRESS-BOX CUSTODIAN (amuse. & rec.) 344.677-010
press-brake operator (any industry) 619.685-026
press-brake operator (any industry) 617.360-010
PRESS BREAKER (wood prod., nec) 569.686-050
PRESS BUCKER (any industry) 920.686-042
presser (boot & shoe) 788.684-130
PRESSER (glass mfg.) 575.685-074
presser (hat & cap) 580.685-038
presser (hat & cap) 584.685-026
PRESSER (print. & pub.) 977.684-018
PRESSER (rubber goods) 690.685-318
PRESSER (soap & rel.) 559.685-142
PRESSER, ALL-AROUND (laundry & rel.) 363.682-014
presser-and-blocker, knitted goods (laundry & rel.) 363.684-010
presser-and-shaper, knitted goods (laundry & rel.) 363.684-010
PRESSER, AUTOMATIC (laundry & rel.) 363.685-014
PRESSER, BUFFING WHEEL (tex. prod., nec) 583.685-090
presser, cotton ginning (agriculture) 920.685-114
Presser, First (hat & cap) 583.685-110
PRESSER, FORM (any industry) 363.685-018
PRESSER, HAND (any industry) 363.684-018
PRESSER, HANDKERCHIEF (laundry & rel.) 363.685-022
presser, leather garments (laundry & rel.) 363.682-010
PRESSER, MACHINE (any industry) 363.682-018
Presser, Second (hat & cap) 583.685-110
PRESS FEEDER (knitting; textile) 583.686-030
PRESS FEEDER (print. & pub.) term-
PRESS FEEDER (tinware) 652.685-058
PRESS FEEDER, BROOMCORN (agriculture) 429.686-010
press hand (forging) 611.685-010
PRESS HAND (knitting) 583.687-010
PRESS-HAND SUPERVISOR (jewelry-silver.) 615.130-010
press helper (forging) 619.686-034
PRESS HELPER (plastic prod.) 651.586-010
pressing-machine operator (any industry) 363.685-018
pressing machine operator (any industry) 363.682-018
pressing machine operator (knitting) 583.685-070
PRESS MACHINE FEEDER (tobacco) 529.686-066
PRESS-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabrication, nec) 590.665-014
PRESS OFFBEARER (brick & tile) 579.686-030
press operator (any industry) 920.685-010
Press Operator (beverage) 521.685-118
PRESS OPERATOR (brick & tile) 575.682-018
press operator (chemical) 556.685-078
press operator (forging) 611.685-010
PRESS OPERATOR (laundry & rel.) 363.685-010
Press Operator (meat products) 529.685-202
PRESS OPERATOR (mine & quarry) 575.685-070
press operator (nonfer. metal) 691.382-014
PRESS OPERATOR (oils & grease) 551.685-114
PRESS OPERATOR (plastic prod.) 690.682-062
press operator (plastic-synth.) 690.682-058
press operator (pottery & porc.) 575.685-026
press operator (print. & pub.) 651.362-010
PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) term
PRESS OPERATOR (protective dev.) 686.685-050
PRESS OPERATOR (rubber reclaim.) 559.685-138
PRESS OPERATOR (textile) 583.685-086
press operator, automatic (laundry & rel.) 363.685-014
press operator, automatic (tobacco) 920.685-082
PRESS OPERATOR, CARBON BLOCKS (smelt. & refin.) 514.682-014
Press Operator, Carbon Products (elec. equip.) 556.682-014
press operator, carcass (toy-sport equip.) 732.687-054
PRESS OPERATOR, HARDBOARD (wood prod., nec) 569.682-014
PRESS OPERATOR, HEAVY DUTY (any industry) 617.260-010
PRESS OPERATOR I (chemical) 559.665-030
PRESS OPERATOR II (chemical) 551.685-118
press operator, instant print shop (print. & pub.) 979.362-010
PRESS OPERATOR, MEAT (meat products) 520.685-182
Press Operator, Paraffin Plant (petrol. refin.) 541.682-010
PRESS OPERATOR, PIERCE AND SHAVE (clock & watch) 715.685-050
press operator, wax ball (toy-sport equip.) 732.687-058
PRESS-PIPE INSPECTOR (brick & tile) 575.687-030
press-plate maker (print. & pub.) 972.381-026
PRESS PULLER (grain-feed mills) 529.687-170
press reader (business ser.) 249.387-022
PRESSROOM WORKER, FAT (oils & grease) 559.685-146
press-service reader (business ser.) 249.387-022
PRESS SETTER (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 617.480-014
Press Smith (forging) 612.361-010
Press-Smith Helper (forging) 612.687-014
PRESS SUPERVISOR (brick & tile) 575.130-010
PRESS TENDER (food prep., nec) 520.685-186
press tender (print. & pub.) 651.686-018
PRESS TENDER (rubber goods; rubber tire; toy-sport equip.) 556.685-066
Press Tender, Head, Feed House (grain-feed mills) 521.665-018
Press Tender, Incendiary Grenade (chemical) 694.685-038
Press Tender, Long Goods (food prep., nec) 520.685-186
PRESS TENDER, PYROTECHNICS (chemical) 694.685-038
Press Tender, Short Goods (food prep., nec) 520.685-186
Press Tender, Smoke Signal (chemical) 694.685-038
Press Tender, Star Signal (chemical) 694.685-038
PRESSURE CONTROLLER (utilities) 953.362-018
pressure-control supervisor (utilities) 953.137-014
PRESSURE SEALER-AND-TESTER (aircraft mfg.) 806.384-038
PRESSURE SUPERVISOR (utilities) 953.137-014
PRESSURE-TANK OPERATOR (chemical) 523.385-010
PRESSURE-TEST OPERATOR (ordnance) 737.387-018
Pressurization Mechanic (aircraft mfg.) 806.384-038
Pressurization Mechanic, Air Control (aircraft mfg.) 806.384-038
Pressurizer (aircraft mfg.) 806.384-038
PRETZEL COOKER (bakery products) 526.685-054
Pretzel-Dough Mixer (bakery products) 520.685-234
Pretzel-Stick-Machine Operator (bakery products) 520.685-190
PRETZEL TWISTER (bakery products) 520.587-010
PRETZEL-TWISTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (bakery products) 520.685-190
Pre-Wave Assembler (electron. comp.) 726.684-070
Price Checker (clerical) 209.687-010
Price Economist (profess. & kin.) 050.067-010
price marker (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 209.587-034
pricer (laundry & rel.) 216.482-030
pricer-bagger (photofinishing) 976.687-018
PRICER, MESSAGE AND DELIVERY SERVICE (business ser.) 214.467-014
pricer-sorter (nonprofit org.) 222.387-054
priest (profess. & kin.) 120.107-010
priller (clerical) 222.367-038
primary care nurse practitioner (medical ser.) 075.264-010
Primary Connector, Armature (elec. equip.) 724.684-014
primary-crusher operator (any industry) 570.685-022
primer-and-powder-canning leader (ordnance) 737.137-014
primer assembler (ordnance) 694.685-010
PRIMER ASSEMBLER (ordnance) 737.687-098
PRIMER BOXER (ordnance) 737.587-018
PRIMER CHARGER (ordnance) 737.687-102
PRIMER-CHARGING TOOL SETTER (ordnance) 694.360-010
PRIMER EXPEDITOR AND DRIER (chemical) 553.385-014
PRIMER INSPECTOR (ordnance) 737.687-106
PRIMER-POWDER BLENDER, DRY (ordnance) 550.565-010
PRIMER-POWDER BLENDER, WET (chemical) 550.582-010
primer-press operator (ordnance) 694.685-010
Primer Sprayer (aircraft mfg.; auto. mfg.) 741.684-026
PRIMER SUPERVISOR (ordnance) 737.132-010
priming-machine operator (ordnance) 694.685-042
PRIMING-MIXTURE CARRIER (ordnance) 922.587-010
PRIMING-POWDER-PREMIX BLENDER (chemical) 550.684-022
principal (any industry) see SUPERVISOR
PRINCIPAL (education) 099.117-018
principal librarian (library) 100.127-010
print applier (any industry) 749.684-010
Print-Color Matcher (tex. prod., nec) 550.382-014
Print-Color Mixer (tex. prod., nec) 550.382-014
print-color operator (tex. prod., nec) 550.382-014
PRINT CONTROLLER (photofinishing) 976.360-010
print cutter (photofinishing) 976.685-010
Print Decorator (pottery & porc.) 749.684-010
PRINT DEVELOPER, AUTOMATIC (photofinishing) 976.685-026
PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLER, HAND (comm. equip.; electron. comp.; inst. &
app.; office machines) 726.684-070
PRINTED CIRCUIT DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 003.261-022
Printed-Forms Proofreader (clerical) 209.687-010
printer (any industry) 652.382-010
printer (boot & shoe) 690.685-158
PRINTER (glass products) 979.681-014
printer (leather mfg.; leather prod.) 690.682-030
PRINTER (pen & pencil) 652.685-062
PRINTER (print. & pub.) 979.382-018
printer (print. & pub.) 973.381-018
printer (sugar & conf.) 526.687-014
printer (tex. prod., nec) 652.685-022
PRINTER, FLOOR COVERING (fabrication, nec) 652.685-066
PRINTER, FLOOR COVERING, ASSISTANT (fabrication, nec) 652.687-038
PRINTER, MACHINE (hat & cap) 652.685-070
Printer Maintainer (tel. & tel.) 822.281-010
PRINTER OPERATOR, BLACK-AND-WHITE (photofinishing) 976.682-014
PRINTER, PLASTIC (plastic prod.; tex. prod., nec) 651.382-026
printer's devil (print. & pub.) 973.381-022
PRINTER-SLOTTER HELPER (paper goods) 659.686-014
PRINTER-SLOTTER OPERATOR (paper goods) 659.662-010
printer, small print shop (print. & pub.) 979.382-018
print finisher (photofinishing) 976.487-010
printing-equipment mechanic (print. & pub.) 627.261-010
printing-equipment-mechanic apprentice (print. & pub.) 627.261-014
printing-machine operator (any industry) 652.382-010
PRINTING-MACHINE OPERATOR, TAPE RULES (cutlery-hrdwr.) 652.662-010
Printing-Plate Clerk (print. & pub.) 222.387-058
printing-plate router (print. & pub.) 979.682-026
PRINTING-ROLLER HANDLER (textile) 652.385-010
PRINTING-ROLLER POLISHER (machine shop) 603.382-030
PRINTING SCREEN ASSEMBLER (electron. comp.) 979.684-042
Printing Supervisor (tex. prod., nec) 589.130-014
PRINT INSPECTOR (photofinishing) 976.687-022
PRINT INSPECTOR (pottery & porc.) 774.687-018
PRINT-LINE FEEDER (furniture) 652.686-026
PRINT-LINE INSPECTOR (furniture) 652.687-034
PRINT-LINE OPERATOR (furniture; wood prod., nec) 652.662-018
print-line supervisor (furniture; wood prod., nec) 652.662-018
PRINT-LINE TAILER (furniture) 652.686-030
PRINTMAKER (profess. & kin.) 144.061-014
PRINT-SHOP HELPER (print. & pub.) 979.684-026
PRINT WASHER (photofinishing) 976.684-022
Prism Inspector (optical goods) 716.381-010
prison librarian (library) 100.167-022
Private-Branch-Exchange Installer, Mobile Radio (tel. & tel.) 822.381-018
Private-Branch-Exchange Installer, Teletypewriter (tel. & tel.) 822.381-018
private-branch-exchange operator (clerical) 235.662-022
PRIVATE-BRANCH-EXCHANGE REPAIRER (tel. & tel.) 822.281-022
private pilot (any industry) 196.263-030
PRIZE COORDINATOR (radio-tv broad.) 162.167-026
prize jacker (tobacco) 920.685-062
PRIZER (tobacco) 920.687-142
Probate Judge (government ser.) 111.107-010
PROBATION-AND-PAROLE OFFICER (profess. & kin.) 195.107-046
Probation Officer (profess. & kin.) 195.107-046
PROCESS-AREA SUPERVISOR (plastic-synth.) 559.132-042
process artist (print. & pub.) 972.281-010
process attendant (elec. equip.) 590.362-010
process-camera operator (print. & pub.) 972.382-014
PROCESS CHECKER (ordnance) 737.364-010
PROCESS CONTROLLER (textile) 689.364-014
process control supervisor (plastic-synth.) 559.137-038
Process-Description Writer (profess. & kin.) 131.267-026
Process Equipment Operator (aircraft mfg.) 704.381-014
process helper (petrol. refin.) 549.687-018
PROCESS INSPECTOR (ordnance) 736.381-018
process inspector (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 559.381-010
process inspector (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-130
PROCESS-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 640.685-050
process operator (pharmaceut.) 559.685-058
process operator (chemical) 590.464-010
process operator (chemical; pharmaceut.) 550.685-090
process operator (chemical; plastic-synth.) 559.382-046
process operator, atomic energy (chemical) 709.381-010
processor (any industry) 012.167-074
processor (knitting) 589.485-010
PROCESSOR (plastic-synth.) 557.685-018
PROCESSOR, GRAIN (grain-feed mills) 521.685-254
PROCESSOR HELPER (grain-feed mills) 521.686-050
PROCESSOR, INSTANT POTATO (food prep., nec) 523.382-022
PROCESSOR, SOLID PROPELLANT (chemical) 590.464-010
process planner (profess. & kin.) 012.167-050
process projectionist (amuse. & rec.; motion picture) 960.362-010
process pumper (petrol. refin.) 549.362-010
PROCESS SERVER (business ser.) 249.367-062
process stripper (print. & pub.) 972.281-022
process supervisor (any industry) 183.167-018
process treater (any industry) 503.685-030
PROCTOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070.101-086
PROCUREMENT CLERK (clerical) 249.367-066
PROCUREMENT ENGINEER (aircraft mfg.) 162.157-034
procurement inspector (government ser.) 168.287-014
Procurement Transplant Coordinator (medical ser.) 079.151-010
Produce Clerk I (retail trade) 290.477-018
Produce Clerk II (retail trade) 922.687-058
Produce-Department Manager (retail trade) 299.137-010
PRODUCER (amuse. & rec.) 187.167-178
PRODUCER (motion picture) 187.167-174
PRODUCER (radio-tv broad.) 159.117-010
PRODUCER, ASSISTANT (motion picture) 187.167-182
Producer-Director (radio-tv broad.) 159.067-014
Produce Stock Clerk (retail trade) 299.367-014
PRODUCE WEIGHER (retail trade) 299.587-010
Product-Development Worker (any industry) 804.281-010
product inspector (steel & rel.) 619.381-010
production supervisor (radio-tv broad.) 194.162-010
production aide (electron. comp.) 590.362-018
production aide (electron. comp.) 726.362-010
PRODUCTION ASSEMBLER (ordnance) 737.684-034
PRODUCTION ASSISTANT (chemical) 221.387-050
production assistant (radio-tv broad.) 962.167-014
production assistant (radio-tv broad.) 194.062-010
production broacher (machine shop) 605.682-014
production checker (clerical) 221.382-018
PRODUCTION CLERK (clerical) 221.382-018
production clerk (paper goods) 221.162-010
Production Clerk, Lace Tearing (tex. prod., nec) 221.382-018
production-control clerk (clerical) 221.382-018
production-control clerk (clock & watch) 221.387-018
production controller (clerical) 221.167-018
Production-Control Pegboard Clerk (garment) 221.382-018
production control scheduler (aircraft mfg.) 012.167-082
production control scheduler (clerical) 221.167-014
PRODUCTION COORDINATOR (clerical) 221.167-018
production coordinator (radio-tv broad.) 962.167-014
production-drilling-machine operator (machine shop) 606.682-014
Production Engineer (petrol. & gas) 010.061-018
production engineer (profess. & kin.) 012.167-070
PRODUCTION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012.167-046
PRODUCTION ENGINEER, TRACK (r.r. trans.) 005.167-026
production estimator (profess. & kin.) 169.267-038
production expediter (clerical) 221.167-018
production expert (profess. & kin.) 012.167-070
production-gear cutter (machine shop) 602.685-010
production grinder (machine shop) 603.685-062
Production Grip (motion picture) 962.687-022
PRODUCTION HARDENER (heat treating) 504.685-026
production helper (any industry) 619.686-022
PRODUCTION HELPER (can. & preserv.; food prep., nec) 529.686-070
production helper (food prep., nec) 921.685-050
PRODUCTION HELPER (nonfer. metal) 691.687-010
production-honing-machine operator (machine shop) 603.482-034
production illustrator (profess. & kin.) 017.281-034
PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (auto. mfg.) 699.685-050
PRODUCTION MACHINE TENDER (machine shop) 609.685-018
PRODUCTION-MACHINE TENDER (nut & bolt) 619.365-010
mfg.) 679.685-014
PRODUCTION MANAGER, ADVERTISING (profess. & kin.) 141.137-010
PRODUCTION MANAGER, REPRODUCTION (print. & pub.) 652.137-010
Production Material Coordinator (electron. comp.) 221.387-046
Production Mechanic, Tin Cans (tinware) 616.260-014
production operator (petrol. & gas) 541.382-014
production planner (paper goods) 221.162-010
PRODUCTION PLANNER (profess. & kin.) 012.167-050
production-planning supervisor (profess. & kin.) 012.167-050
production-posting clerk (clerical) 221.382-018
PRODUCTION PROOFREADER (print. & pub.; retail trade) 247.667-010
production repairer (comm. equip.; electron. comp.) 726.381-014
production repairer (inst. & app.) 710.381-050
production scheduler (clerical) 221.167-018
production scheduler (profess. & kin.) 012.167-050
production solderer (welding) 813.684-014
Production-Statistical Clerk (clerical) 216.382-062
PRODUCTION SUPERINTENDENT (any industry) 183.117-014
production superintendent, hydro (utilities) 952.137-014
PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR (any industry) 699.130-010
production supervisor (any industry) 183.167-018
PRODUCTION SUPERVISOR (nonmet. min.) 539.137-014
PRODUCTION-SUPPLY-EQUIPMENT TENDER (food prep., nec) 921.685-050
production technician (radio-tv broad.) 194.062-010
Product Representative (profess. & kin.) 096.121-014
PRODUCT-SAFETY ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 012.061-010
PRODUCT TESTER, FIBERGLASS (textile) 589.384-010
PROFESSIONAL ATHLETE (amuse. & rec.) 153.341-010
professional engineer (profess. & kin.) see ENGINEER
professional shopper (retail trade) 296.357-010
Professor (education) 090.227-010
professor, dance (education) 151.027-014
profile grinder (stonework) 675.682-010
PROFILE-GRINDER TECHNICIAN (clock & watch) 601.482-010
Profile-Mill Operator, Tape Control (machine shop) 605.380-010
profiler (machine shop) 605.280-014
profiler (machine shop) 605.382-026
PROFILER, HAND (clock & watch) 715.685-054
PROFILE-SAW OPERATOR (jewelry-silver.) 700.682-018
PROFILE-SHAPER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (woodworking) 665.682-026
PROFILE TRIMMER (jewelry-silver.) 607.682-014
PROFILING-MACHINE OPERATOR (clock & watch) 605.685-038
PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR I (machine shop) 605.280-014
PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR II (machine shop) 605.382-026
PROFILING-MACHINE SET-UP OPERATOR, TOOL (machine shop) 605.280-018
PROGRAM AIDE, GROUP WORK (social ser.) 195.227-010
Program Analyst (government ser.) 160.162-022
PROGRAM ASSISTANT (radio-tv broad.) 962.167-014
program checker (radio-tv broad.) 249.387-010
program consultant (social ser.) 195.167-010
PROGRAM COORDINATOR (amuse. & rec.) 139.167-010
Program Director (profess. & kin.) 187.137-014
PROGRAM DIRECTOR, CABLE TELEVISION (radio-tv broad.) 194.162-010
PROGRAM DIRECTOR, GROUP WORK (profess. & kin.) 187.117-046
Program Director, Scouting (nonprofit org.) 187.117-046
PROGRAM MANAGER (profess. & kin.) 189.167-030
PROGRAMMER-ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 030.162-014
programmer, business (profess. & kin.) 030.162-010
PROGRAMMER, ENGINEERING AND SCIENTIFIC (profess. & kin.) 030.162-018
programmer, numerical control (any industry) 007.167-018
programmer operator, numerical control (electron. comp.) 609.262-010
PROGRAMMING EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (electron. comp.) 726.685-062
PROGRAM PROPOSALS COORDINATOR (radio-tv broad.) 132.067-030
program schedule clerk (radio-tv broad.) 199.382-010
progress clerk (clerical) 221.167-018
progress clerk (clerical) 221.387-034
PROGRESS CLERK (construction) 221.362-022
PROGRESSIVE ASSEMBLER AND FITTER (agric. equip.) 801.684-022
Progressive-Die Maker (machine shop) 601.281-010
PROJECT-CREW WORKER (any industry) 891.687-018
project development coordinator (profess. & kin.) 033.162-018
PROJECT DIRECTOR (profess. & kin.) 189.117-030
PROJECT ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 019.167-014
projection-camera operator (photofinishing) 976.381-018
projectionist (amuse. & rec.; motion picture) 960.362-010
projectionist (any industry) 960.382-010
PROJECTION PRINTER (photofinishing) 976.381-018
Projection-Welding-Machine Operator (welding) 812.682-010
project manager (profess. & kin.) 189.117-030
Projector Assembler (photo. appar.) 714.684-010
prom burn-off operator (electron. comp.) 726.685-062
promotor, group-ticket sales (amuse. & rec.) 259.357-010
PROMPTER (amuse. & rec.) 152.367-010
Pronger (jewelry-silver.) 735.687-034
proof clerk (financial) 217.382-010
PROOF-COIN COLLECTOR (government ser.) 709.687-030
proofer (print. & pub.) 651.582-010
proofer apprentice (print. & pub.) 651.582-014
proofer apprentice (print. & pub.) 971.381-040
Proofer, Black And White (print. & pub.) 971.381-038
Proofer, Color (print. & pub.) 971.381-038
PROOFER, PREPRESS (print. & pub.) 972.381-034
Proofing-Machine Operator (print. & pub.) 652.382-010
PROOF INSPECTOR (ordnance) 736.384-010
proof-load mechanic (aircraft mfg.) 929.382-010
PROOF-MACHINE OPERATOR (financial) 217.382-010
proof-plate maker (print. & pub.) 971.381-034
PROOF-PRESS OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 651.582-010
proofreader (clerical) 209.687-010
PROOFREADER (print. & pub.) 209.387-030
proof runner (print. & pub.) 239.677-010
PROOFSHEET CORRECTOR (print. & pub.) 973.381-030
proof sorter (photofinishing) 976.687-018
PROOF TECHNICIAN (ordnance) 199.171-010
PROOF-TECHNICIAN HELPER (ordnance) 736.387-014
proof tester (ordnance) 736.384-010
PROP ATTENDANT (amuse. & rec.) 962.684-022
PROPELLANT-CHARGE LOADER (ordnance) 737.487-010

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