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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .

RABBI through RAW

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rabbi (profess. & kin.) 120.107-010
Rabbit Breeder (agriculture) 410.161-010
Rabbit Dresser (meat products) 525.687-010
Rabbit Flesher (leather mfg.) 585.681-010
RABBLE-FURNACE TENDER (chemical) 553.685-090
Racehorse Trainer (amuse. & rec.) 419.224-010
racing-board marker (amuse. & rec.) 249.587-010
RACING SECRETARY AND HANDICAPPER (amuse. & rec.) 153.167-018
Rack Carrier (paper goods) 929.687-030
Rack Cleaner (electroplating) 500.686-010
Rack Cleaner (textile) 699.687-014
RACKER (amuse. & rec.) 340.477-010
Racker (any industry) 929.687-030
RACKER (bakery products) 524.687-018
racker (beverage) 920.665-014
RACKER (clock & watch) 715.687-106
Racker (electroplating) 500.686-010
racker (furniture) 780.684-090
racker (hat & cap) 784.387-010
RACKER (jewelry-silver.) 735.687-026
RACKER (paper goods) 659.687-010
racker (photofinishing) 976.687-018
Racker (saw. & plan.) 922.687-074
Racker (steel & rel.) 509.687-026
racker (tobacco) 529.687-090
RACKER (toy-sport equip.) 749.587-010
racker (woodworking) 922.687-074
RACKER, OCTAVE BOARD (musical inst.) 730.684-062
RACKER, SILK-SCREEN PRINTING (any industry) 659.687-014
RACKET STRINGER (toy-sport equip.) 732.684-094
Rack Loader (elec. equip.) 727.687-070
RACK LOADER (fabrication, nec) 590.687-018
RACK LOADER I (tobacco) 529.686-074
Rack Loader II (tobacco) 529.686-038
RACK-ROOM WORKER (beverage) 920.665-014
Radar Mechanic (any industry) 828.261-022
radiagraph operator (welding) 816.482-010
RADIAL-ARM-SAW OPERATOR (woodworking) 667.682-054
Radial-Drill Operator (stonework) 676.682-014
RADIATION MONITOR (profess. & kin.) 199.167-010
RADIATION-PROTECTION ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 015.137-010
RADIATION-PROTECTION SPECIALIST (government ser.) 168.261-010
RADIATION-THERAPY TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.361-034
radiator repairer (automotive ser.) 620.381-010
radioactivity technician (petrol. & gas) 828.281-022
radio and radar technician (aircraft mfg.; air trans.) 823.261-026
Radio-And-Television-Cabinet Inspector (furniture) 763.687-026
Radio Announcer (radio-tv broad.) 159.147-010
radio board operator-announcer (radio-tv broad.) 159.147-010
radio-communications mechanician (any industry) 823.281-014
Radio-Division Captain (government ser.) 193.167-018
Radio-Division Lieutenant (government ser.) 193.167-018
RADIOGRAPHER (any industry) 199.361-010
radiographer (medical ser.) 078.362-026
radiographer, angiogram (medical ser.) 078.362-046
radiographer, cardiac catheterization (medical ser.) 078.362-050
Radio Installer (tel. & tel.) 822.381-018
Radio Installer, Automobile (automotive ser.) 806.684-038
RADIO-INTELLIGENCE OPERATOR (government ser.) 193.362-014
RADIO INTERFERENCE INVESTIGATOR (electron. comp.) 823.261-014
radio-interference trouble shooter (electron. comp.) 823.261-014
RADIOISOTOPE-PRODUCTION OPERATOR (profess. & kin.) 015.362-022
radiologic electronic specialist (inst. & app.) 719.261-014
RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGIST (medical ser.) 078.362-026
RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGIST, CHIEF (medical ser.) 078.162-010
Radiologic Technologist, Mammogram (medical ser.) 078.362-026
RADIOLOGIST (medical ser.) 070.101-090
RADIOLOGY ADMINISTRATOR (medical ser.) 187.117-062
RADIO MECHANIC (any industry) 823.261-018
radio mechanic (any industry) 823.281-014
RADIO-MESSAGE ROUTER (tel. & tel.) 235.387-010
RADIO OFFICER (water trans.) 193.262-022
radio operator (water trans.) 193.262-022
radio operator, ground (aircraft mfg.) 193.262-026
RADIOPHARMACIST (medical ser.) 074.161-014
radiophone operator (any industry) 193.262-034
radio-photo technician (print. & pub.; tel. & tel.) 193.362-010
Radio Police Officer (government ser.) 375.263-014
Radio Producer (radio-tv broad.) 159.117-010
RADIO REPAIRER (any industry) 720.281-010
Radio Repairer, Domestic (any industry) 720.281-010
RADIO STATION OPERATOR (aircraft mfg.) 193.262-026
radiotelegraphist (tel. & tel.) 193.262-030
RADIOTELEGRAPH OPERATOR (tel. & tel.) 193.262-030
Radiotelegraph Operator-Servicer (any industry) 823.281-014
RADIOTELEPHONE OPERATOR (any industry) 193.262-034
radiotelephone-technical operator (any industry) 193.262-034
RADIUS CORNER MACHINE OPERATOR (glass products) 673.685-098
radius grinder (nonmet. min.) 673.685-010
RAFTER (logging) 455.664-010
RAFTER-CUTTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mfd. bldgs.) 669.382-014
Rag Baler (laundry & rel.) 920.685-010
RAG-CUTTING-MACHINE FEEDER (paper & pulp; tex. prod., nec) 530.666-010
RAG-CUTTING-MACHINE TENDER (paper & pulp; tex. prod., nec) 530.665-014
RAG INSPECTOR (paper & pulp) 530.687-010
Rag Sorter (any industry) 929.687-022
RAG SORTER AND CUTTER (tex. prod., nec) 789.687-134
Rag Washer (laundry & rel.) 361.665-010
rag-willow operator (paper & pulp) 533.685-030
Rail Assembler (toy-sport equip.) 732.384-010
Rail-Car Operator (logging) 919.663-014
rail-doweling-machine operator (woodworking) 669.682-042
Rail-Express Clerk (r.r. trans.) 222.367-022
Rail-Flaw-Detector-Car Operator (r.r. trans.) 910.363-014
RAIL-FLAW-DETECTOR OPERATOR (r.r. trans.) 910.263-010
rail gang supervisor (construction) 869.134-022
Rail Inspector (steel & rel.) 619.381-010
railroad-car-cleaning supervisor (r.r. trans.) 910.137-014
railroad-car inspector (railroad equip.) 910.667-010
RAILROAD-CAR INSPECTOR (r.r. trans.) 910.387-014
RAILROAD-CAR LETTERER (r.r. trans.) 845.681-010
railroad-car loader (mine & quarry) 932.687-010
railroad-car retarder operator (r.r. trans.) 910.382-010
RAILROAD-CAR-TRUCK BUILDER (railroad equip.) 806.684-114
RAILROAD-CONSTRUCTION DIRECTOR (r.r. trans.) 182.167-018
railroad-crane operator (any industry) 921.663-038
RAILROAD ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) 005.061-026
RAILROAD-MAINTENANCE CLERK (r.r. trans.) 221.362-026
Railroad Operator (amuse. & rec.) 342.663-010
RAILROAD SUPERVISOR (construction) term
railroad supervisor of engines (r.r. trans.) 910.137-034
RAILROAD WHEELS AND AXLE INSPECTOR (railroad equip.) 622.381-034
Rail Splitter (logging) 454.684-022
RAIL-TRACTOR OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 919.683-018
RAILWAY-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (r.r. trans.) 859.683-018
Raimann-Machine Operator (millwork-plywood) 669.685-098
RAISED PRINTER (print. & pub.) 652.686-034
raise driller (mine & quarry) 930.683-026
Raise Miner (mine & quarry) 939.281-010
raiser (machinery mfg.) 979.681-010
raiser (wood. container) 764.684-018
raiser helper (wood. container) 764.687-038
Raisin-Separator Operator (sugar & conf.) 529.686-034
Raisin Washer (food prep., nec) 521.685-110
RAKER (carpet & rug) 789.687-138
RAKER, BUFFING WHEEL (tex. prod., nec) 589.684-010
ram-die maker (pottery & porc.) 774.684-026
RAM-PRESS OPERATOR (pottery & porc.) 575.682-022
ramrod (agriculture) 410.137-014
ranch hand, livestock (agriculture) 410.664-010
ranch manager (agriculture; wholesale tr.) 180.167-018
ranch rider (agriculture) 410.674-014
rand butter (boot & shoe) 690.685-474
rand-butting-machine operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-474
Rand Cementer (boot & shoe) 690.686-018
Rand Sewer (boot & shoe) 690.682-082
Rand Tacker (boot & shoe) 690.685-162
Range Conservationist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-046
range feeder (textile) 589.686-014
range-management specialist (profess. & kin.) 040.061-046
RANGE MANAGER (profess. & kin.) 040.061-046
range master (amuse. & rec.) 187.167-118
range operator (textile) 589.562-010
ranger (government ser.) 169.167-042
ranger aide (government ser.) 249.367-082
rapid-extractor operator (any industry) 581.685-038
Rapid-Outsole Stitcher (boot & shoe) 690.682-078
Rapier-Insertion Loom Fixer (textile) 683.260-018
rapper (smelt. & refin.) 511.687-014
Raschel-Knitting-Machine Operator (knitting) 685.665-018
Raspberry Checker (can. & preserv.) 529.687-186
Raspberry Grower (agriculture) 403.161-014
RASPER (boot & shoe) 788.684-094
rasper-machine operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
Rat Breeder (agriculture) 410.161-010
Rate Analyst (government ser.) 160.267-014
RATE ANALYST, FREIGHT (air trans.; motor trans.; r.r. trans.; water trans.)
rate-and-cost analyst (utilities) 216.137-010
rate clerk (clerical) 214.362-038
RATE CLERK, PASSENGER (motor trans.) 214.362-030
Rate Engineer (profess. & kin.) 160.162-026
rate inserter (insurance) 214.482-022
rate marker (tel. & tel.) 214.587-010
RATER (insurance) 214.482-022
RATE REVIEWER (utilities) 214.387-014
RATER, TRAVEL ACCOMMODATIONS (profess. & kin.) 168.367-014
RATE SUPERVISOR (clerical) 214.137-018
rating clerk (insurance) 214.482-022
Rattan Worker (furniture) 763.684-078
Rattan Worker (wood. container) 769.684-054
Rattlesnake Farmer (agriculture) 413.161-014
RAVELER (knitting) 782.687-034
Raw-Calender Operator (tex. prod., nec) 584.685-010
RAW-CHEESE WORKER (dairy products) 529.686-078
Raw-Finish-Mill Operator (cement) 570.685-046
RAWHIDE-BONE ROLLER (leather prod.) 789.684-042
Raw-Hide Trimmer (leather mfg.) 585.684-010
RAW-JUICE WEIGHER (sugar & conf.) 529.685-194
RAW SAMPLER (smelt. & refin.) 519.484-014
RAW SHELLFISH PREPARER (hotel & rest.) 311.674-014
RAW-SILK GRADER (textile) 689.687-062
RAW-STOCK-DRIER TENDER (textile) 581.685-046
Raw-Stock-Dyeing-Machine Tender (textile) 582.685-102
RAW-STOCK-MACHINE LOADER (textile) 582.686-018

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