TITLE(s): EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (any industry) alternate titles: centrifugal-extractor operator; clothes wringer; drying-machine tender; extractor; rapid-extractor operator; wringer Tends centrifugal extractor that removes surplus moisture or dye from materials, such as wet cloth, garments, knit goods, linens, raw fibers, or yarn: Pushes loaded handtrucks or portable extractor baskets into position at machine or under hoist. Lifts material from handtruck, or raises baskets, using chain or electric hoist to load extractor. Distributes material uniformly in extractor baskets to balance load and reduce vibration. Observes tilt of portable baskets to verify balance when using hoist. Closes cover and starts machine. Unloads materials into handtruck for transfer to subsequent work station. May unload washing machines. May work with raw cotton and be designated Extractor Tender, Raw Stock (textile). May tend drying machine [TUMBLER OPERATOR (laundry & rel.) 369.685-034]. May tend machine that extracts moisture from cakes of rayon or other synthetic yarn and be designated Cake Wringer (plastic-synth.). GOE: 06.04.16 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 78 |
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CODE: 581.685-038 Buy the DOT: Download
EXTRACTOR OPERATOR (any industry) alternate titles: centrifugal-extractor operator;
clothes wringer; drying-machine tender; extractor; rapid-extractor operator; wringer
Tends centrifugal extractor that removes surplus moisture or dye from materials, such as wet
cloth, garments, knit goods, linens, raw fibers, or yarn: Pushes loaded handtrucks or portable
extractor baskets into position at machine or under hoist. Lifts material from handtruck, or raises
baskets, using chain or electric hoist to load extractor. Distributes material uniformly in
extractor baskets to balance load and reduce vibration. Observes tilt of portable baskets to verify
balance when using hoist. Closes cover and starts machine. Unloads materials into handtruck for
transfer to subsequent work station. May unload washing machines. May work with raw cotton and be
designated Extractor Tender, Raw Stock (textile). May tend drying machine [TUMBLER OPERATOR (laundry
& rel.) 369.685-034]. May tend machine that extracts moisture from cakes of rayon or other synthetic
yarn and be designated Cake Wringer (plastic-synth.).
GOE: 06.04.16 STRENGTH: M GED: R2 M1 L1 SVP: 2 DLU: 78
© 1995 - 2015 Photius Coutsoukis and Information Technology Associates (All Rights Reserved). Revised 26-May-03