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Dictionary Of Occupational Titles Index

Following is a portion of the alphabetical index to the Dictionary of Occupational Titles (DOT) revised fourth edition, provided, as a public service, by ITA .


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coach (amuse. & rec.) 153.227-010
coach (retail trade) see SPONSOR
Coach Cleaner (r.r. trans.) 919.687-014
COACH DRIVER (business ser.) 349.677-014
coach operator (motor trans.) 913.463-010
Coach-Player (amuse. & rec.) 153.117-010
COACH, PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES (amuse. & rec.) 153.227-010
coach wirer (vehicles, nec) 829.684-014
Coagulant Dipper (rubber goods) 556.685-030
COAGULATING-BATH MIXER (plastic-synth.) 550.684-010
coagulating-bath operator (plastic-synth.) 550.585-014
Coagulating-Drying Supervisor (plastic-synth.) 559.132-022
COAGULATION OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 559.582-010
coagulator (plastic-synth.) 559.685-190
coal-and-ash supervisor (any industry) 921.137-010
Coal-Briquette-Machine Operator (fabrication, nec) 549.662-010
Coal-Conveyor Operator (any industry) 921.662-018
coal-cutting-machine operator (mine & quarry) 930.683-014
coal-drier operator (mine & quarry) 543.682-014
COAL-EQUIPMENT OPERATOR (utilities) 921.683-022
Coal Hauler (any industry) 902.683-010
coal inspector (mine & quarry) 579.484-010
Coal-Mine Inspector (mine & quarry) 168.267-074
Coal Passer (any industry) 929.687-030
COAL PIPELINE OPERATOR (pipe lines) 914.362-010
Coal-Pulverizer Operator (any industry) 544.582-010
COAL SAMPLER (utilities) 922.687-038
coal-tower operator (water trans.) 921.683-074
coal-transport-and-mill operator (utilities) 544.665-010
COAL TRIMMER (water trans.) 911.687-018
COAL WASHER (mine & quarry) 541.382-010
coal-washer tender (mine & quarry) 541.382-010
COAL-YARD SUPERVISOR (any industry) 921.137-010
Coarse-Wire Drawer (nonfer. metal) 614.382-010
Coat Baster (garment; retail trade) 785.361-022
Coat Checker (any industry) 358.677-010
Coat Draper (garment) 781.684-026
Coated Fabric Cutter (tex. prod., nec) 699.682-026
COATER (business ser.) 503.685-010
coater (fabrication, nec) 590.685-014
COATER (pharmaceut.) 554.382-010
coater (photo. appar.) 534.582-010
coater (sugar & conf.) 524.382-010
COATER (textile) 584.682-010
coater (woodworking) 763.381-010
Coater, Asphalt (build. mat., nec) 554.682-022
COATER, BRAKE LININGS (nonmet. min.) 574.685-010
coater, carbon paper (pen & pencil) 534.682-014
coater, hand (wood prod., nec) 562.687-014
Coater Helper (tex. prod., nec) 586.686-022
COATER HELPER (textile) 584.665-010
COATER OPERATOR (any industry) 509.382-010
COATER OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 554.585-014
COATER OPERATOR, INSULATION BOARD (wood prod., nec) 539.685-010
Coater, Slate (build. mat., nec) 554.682-022
COATER, SMOKING PIPE (fabrication, nec) 562.685-022
Coat Fitter (garment) 785.261-014
COATING-AND-BAKING OPERATOR (any industry) 554.685-014
COATING-AND-EMBOSSING-UNIT OPERATOR (tex. prod., nec; textile) 583.682-010
Coating-Line Checker (paper & pulp; wood prod., nec) 539.667-010
COATING-MACHINE FEEDER (leather prod.) 690.686-022
Coating-Machine Helper (sugar & conf.) 529.686-034
coating-machine operator (any industry) 599.685-046
COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (carpet & rug; tex. prod., nec) 584.562-010
COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabrication, nec) 590.685-014
COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (galvanizing) 501.362-010
COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.682-018
COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (pen & pencil) 692.685-054
COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 524.382-010
COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR, HARDBOARD (paper goods; wood prod., nec) 534.682-022
COATING-MACHINE-OPERATOR HELPER (fabrication, nec) 590.686-010
Coating-Machine-Operator Helper (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.686-010
Coating-Machine-Operator Helper (tex. prod., nec) 589.687-026
COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR I (tex. prod., nec) 584.382-010
COATING-MACHINE OPERATOR II (tex. prod., nec) 584.685-018
Coating-Machine Operator, Metal Tags And Signs (fabrication, nec) 554.685-014
coating mixer (tinware) 509.485-010
COATING-MIXER SUPERVISOR (paper & pulp) 530.132-010
COATING-MIXER TENDER (paper & pulp) 530.685-010
COATING OPERATOR (chemical) 550.585-022
COATING OPERATOR (grain-feed mills) 524.685-018
Coating Supervisor (tex. prod., nec) 589.130-014
coat-insulator operator (nonfer. metal) 691.682-018
Coat Ironer, Hand (garment) 363.684-018
COAT JOINER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-058
coat-operator, insulator (nonfer. metal) 691.682-018
Coat Padder (garment; retail trade) 785.361-022
Coat Presser (any industry) 363.682-018
Coat-Repair Inspector (retail trade) 783.387-010
Coat Tailor (garment) 785.261-014
COBBLER (boot & shoe) 788.381-010
cobbler (personal ser.) 365.361-014
Cobbler, Mckay (boot & shoe) 788.381-010
Cobbler, Sole (boot & shoe) 788.381-010
Cobbler, Upper (boot & shoe) 788.381-010
Cob Borer (fabrication, nec) 669.685-094
COB SAWYER (fabrication, nec) 667.685-030
COCOA-BEAN CLEANER (sugar & conf.) 521.685-066
COCOA-BEAN-ROASTER HELPER (sugar & conf.) 523.666-010
COCOA-BEAN ROASTER I (sugar & conf.) 523.362-010
COCOA-BEAN ROASTER II (sugar & conf.) 523.380-010
COCOA-BUTTER-FILTER OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 521.685-070
cocoa-milling-machine operator (sugar & conf.) 521.685-202
cocoa-mill operator (sugar & conf.) 521.685-074
COCOA-POWDER-MIXER OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 520.685-074
COCOA-PRESS OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 521.682-014
COCOA-ROOM OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 521.685-074
Coconut-Candy Maker (sugar & conf.) 529.361-014
Coconut Cooker (sugar & conf.) 526.382-014
Coconut-Jelly Roller (sugar & conf.) 520.682-030
C.O.D. Audit Clerk (clerical) 210.382-010
C.O.D. Biller (clerical) 214.382-014
C.O.D. CLERK (clerical) 214.382-018
CODE AND TEST CLERK (financial) 209.667-018
code clerk (clerical) 203.582-018
CODE INSPECTOR (government ser.) 168.367-018
coding file clerk (clerical) 206.387-010
coffee blender (food prep., nec) 520.685-110
COFFEE GRINDER (food prep., nec) 521.685-078
COFFEE MAKER (hotel & rest.) 317.684-010
Coffee-Maker Servicer (any industry) 827.261-010
COFFEE ROASTER (food prep., nec) 523.682-014
COFFEE ROASTER, CONTINUOUS PROCESS (food prep., nec) 523.685-026
COFFEE-ROASTER HELPER (food prep., nec) 523.687-010
Coffee Server, Cafeteria Or Restaurant (hotel & rest.) 311.677-010
Coffee Taster (food prep., nec) 529.281-010
coffee-urn attendant (hotel & rest.) 317.684-010
COFFEE WEIGHER (food prep., nec) 529.687-046
Cofferdam-Construction Supervisor (construction) 860.131-018
coil assembler (elec. equip.) 721.484-010
COIL ASSEMBLER, MACHINE (furniture) 616.685-018
COIL BINDER (nonfer. metal) 619.687-010
coil cleaner (can. & preserv.) 529.687-054
COIL CONNECTOR (elec. equip.) 721.684-018
Coil-Connector Repairer (elec. equip.) 721.281-018
COILED-COIL INSPECTOR (light. fix.) 725.684-010
COILER (light. fix.) 725.687-014
coiler (metal prod., nec) 619.482-010
COILER (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 613.685-010
COILER (protective dev.) 712.687-014
COILER (tex. prod., nec) 681.685-034
coiler (wood. container) 619.682-034
coiler operator (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 613.685-010
COILER OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 613.382-010
coil fin assembler (svc. ind. mach.) 706.684-010
Coil Finisher (elec. equip.; electron. comp.) 724.684-026
Coil Former, Template (elec. equip.) 724.684-026
coil-machine operator (metal prod., nec) 616.485-014
Coil-Machine Supervisor (furniture) 616.130-022
coil placer (furniture) 780.684-098
COIL-REWIND-MACHINE OPERATOR (nonfer. metal) 619.685-030
COIL SHAPER (any industry) 724.684-022
Coil Sprayer (electron. comp.) 741.687-018
coil spreader (any industry) 724.684-022
coil-spring assembler (furniture) 780.684-098
Coil Strapper (steel & rel.) 920.587-018
Coil Taper (elec. equip.) 724.684-026
Coil Tester (elec. equip.) 729.684-058
coil tier (furniture) 616.685-018
COIL WINDER (elec. equip.; electron. comp.) 724.684-026
Coil Winder, Hand (electron. comp.) 724.684-026
Coil Winder, Open Slot (elec. equip.) 724.684-026
COIL WINDER, REPAIR (any industry) 724.381-014
Coil Winder, Strap (elec. equip.) 724.684-026
coin-box collector (business ser.; tel. & tel.) 292.687-010
COIN COLLECTOR (business ser.) 292.483-010
COIN-COUNTER-AND-WRAPPER (clerical) 217.585-010
Coining-Press Operator (forging) 611.685-010
coining-press operator (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 617.685-038
COIN-MACHINE ASSEMBLER (svc. ind. mach.) 731.684-010
COIN-MACHINE COLLECTOR (business ser.; tel. & tel.) 292.687-010
coin-machine operator (clerical) 217.585-010
COIN-MACHINE-SERVICE REPAIRER (svc. ind. mach.) 639.281-014
Coin-Purse Assembler (leather prod.) 783.684-010
Coin-Purse Framer (leather prod.) 739.684-090
coin teller (clerical) 217.585-010
Coin-Vault Guard (any industry) 372.667-034
COKE BURNER (steel & rel.) 543.682-010
COKE-CRUSHER OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 544.662-010
COKE DRAWER, HAND (steel & rel.) 543.687-010
COKE INSPECTOR (steel & rel.) 542.567-010
COKE LOADER (steel & rel.) 921.563-010
Coke-Oven Mason (steel & rel.) 861.381-026
Cold-Food Packer (hotel & rest.) 319.484-010
Cold-Header Operator (forging) 612.462-010
cold-meat chef (hotel & rest.) 313.361-034
Cold-Mill Inspector (steel & rel.) 619.381-010
Cold-Mill Operator (nonfer. metal) 613.462-018
COLD-MILL OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 613.662-018
Cold-Mill Supervisor (nonfer. metal) 619.132-014
Cold-Molding-Press Operator (plastic prod.) 556.682-014
Cold Patcher (construction) 869.687-026
COLD-PRESS LOADER (cutlery-hrdwr.) 701.687-018
cold-press operator (millwork-plywood) 569.685-058
COLD-ROLL INSPECTOR (plastic-synth.) 751.584-010
Cold-Roll Packer, Sheet Iron (steel & rel.) 921.663-042
cold-water machine operator (textile) 587.685-018
cold-working supervisor (ordnance) 619.130-010
cold-work operator (ordnance) 694.682-014
Collar-Band Creaser (garment) 583.685-042
COLLAR BASTER, JUMPBASTING (garment) 786.682-062
Collar Closer, Lockstitch (garment) 786.682-070
Collarette Separator (knitting) 789.687-030
Collar Feller (garment) 782.684-058
collar-folder operator (garment) 580.685-018
Collar Fuser (garment) 363.682-018
Collar Knitter (knitting) 685.665-014
Collar Padder, Blindstitch (garment) 786.682-150
collar pointer (garment) 583.685-102
Collar Separator (knitting) 789.687-030
Collar Setter (garment; retail trade) 785.361-022
COLLAR SETTER, LOCKSTITCH (garment) 786.682-070
COLLAR SETTER, OVERLOCK (garment) 786.682-074
collar-shaper operator (garment) 580.685-018
Collar-Stay-Fuser Tender (garment) 583.685-046
Collar Tacker (garment) 782.684-058
collar-top turner (garment) 583.685-102
Collar Trimmer (garment) 699.685-014
Collar Trimmer (garment; knitting) 781.682-010
Collar Turner (garment) 789.687-182
COLLAR-TURNER OPERATOR (garment) 580.685-018
collateral placement officer (financial; insurance) 186.167-054
COLLATING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 653.382-014
COLLATOR (print. & pub.) 653.687-010
COLLATOR, HAND (print. & pub.) 977.687-010
COLLATOR OPERATOR (clerical) 208.685-010
collection agent (clerical) 241.367-010
Collection-Card Clerk (clerical) 203.362-010
COLLECTION CLERK (clerical) 241.357-010
COLLECTION CLERK (financial) 216.362-014
collect-on-delivery clerk (clerical) 214.382-018
COLLECTOR (clerical) 241.367-010
COLLECTOR (knitting) 684.687-022
COLLET DRILLER (clock & watch) 715.684-062
COLLETER (clock & watch) 715.684-066
COLLET GLUER (clock & watch) 715.685-010
COLLET MAKER (clock & watch) 609.682-014
collier (chemical) 563.682-010
Colliery Clerk (mine & quarry) 219.362-010
collision estimator (automotive ser.) 620.261-018
color buffer (any industry) 705.684-014
COLOR-CARD MAKER (paint & varnish) 794.687-014
COLOR CHECKER, ROVING OR YARN (textile) 582.387-010
color consultant (profess. & kin.) 141.051-010
Color-Control Operator (print. & pub.) 651.362-030
Color Control Supervisor (chemical) 559.132-122
color corrector (print. & pub.) 972.281-010
color-depositing-machine tender (fabrication, nec) 652.665-014
COLOR DEVELOPER (paper & pulp) 530.261-010
COLOR DIPPER (textile) 652.687-014
Colored-Leather Setter (leather mfg.) 589.685-098
colored-liquid-plastic applier (glass products) 840.684-010
COLORER (brick & tile) 773.684-010
COLORER (print. & pub.) 970.681-014
COLORER, CITRUS FRUIT (wholesale tr.) 529.685-070
COLORER, HIDES AND SKINS (leather mfg.) 582.482-010
colorer, machine (leather mfg.) 582.482-010
COLOR EXPERT (profess. & kin.) 141.051-010
color finisher (leather prod.) 589.687-034
COLORING CHECKER (jewelry-silver.) 735.587-010
COLORING-MACHINE OPERATOR (hat & cap) 582.685-034
COLORIST (profess. & kin.) 022.161-014
colorist (profess. & kin.) 141.051-010
COLORIST, PHOTOGRAPHY (photofinishing) 970.381-010
Color-Laboratory Technician (photofinishing) 976.681-010
COLOR MAKER (chemical) 550.382-010
color maker (profess. & kin.) 022.161-014
COLOR MAKER (tex. prod., nec) 550.382-014
Color-Making Supervisor (chemical) 559.132-122
COLOR MATCHER (boot & shoe) 788.687-034
COLOR MATCHER (knitting) 582.261-010
COLOR MATCHER (leather mfg.; plastic-synth.; tex. prod., nec) 550.381-010
color matcher (paint & varnish) 550.381-014
color matcher (profess. & kin.) 022.161-014
COLOR MIXER (furniture) 589.464-010
color mixer (leather mfg.; plastic-synth.; tex. prod., nec) 550.381-010
Color Mixer (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 550.685-134
COLOR MIXER (textile) term
color-mixer assistant (textile) 550.687-014
color-mixer helper (any industry) 550.687-018
COLOR-PASTE MIXER (textile) 550.685-038
COLOR-PRINTER OPERATOR (photofinishing) 976.382-014
Color-Print Inspector (photofinishing) 976.687-014
Color Receiver (fabrication, nec) 555.685-050
color repairer (boot & shoe) 788.684-022
colors custodian (amuse. & rec.) 346.677-014
color-setting-machine operator (carpet & rug) 681.682-018
color shader (paint & varnish) 550.381-014
color-shop helper (any industry) 550.687-018
color specialist (profess. & kin.) 141.051-010
Color Sprayer (leather prod.) 584.687-014
Color Standards Clerk (clerical) 222.387-058
COLOR STRAINER (textile) 550.687-014
Color-Straining-Bag Washer (textile) 361.685-018
color stripper (print. & pub.) 972.281-022
color-television console monitor (radio-tv broad.) 194.282-010
COLOR TESTER (smelt. & refin.) 511.667-014
color weigher (any industry) 550.684-014
COLOR WEIGHER (fabrication, nec) 590.487-010
Columnist (print. & pub.) 131.067-010
COLUMNIST/COMMENTATOR (print. & pub.; radio-tv broad.) 131.067-010
COLUMN PRECASTER (mfd. bldgs.) 869.667-010
Combat Operations Research Specialist (profess. & kin.) 059.167-010
COMBAT RIFLE CREWMEMBER (military ser.) 378.684-014
ser.) 378.161-010
comb capper (food prep., nec) 521.687-070
Comber (leather mfg.) 589.686-022
Comber (meat products) 525.587-014
Comber Fixer (textile) 689.260-010
COMBER TENDER (textile) 680.685-118
Combination Operator (radio-tv broad.) 159.147-014
combination presser (laundry & rel.) 363.682-014
combination-saw operator (woodworking) 667.682-086
Combination Valving-And-Sewing-Machine Operator (paper goods) 641.685-094
Combination-Window Installer (construction) 860.381-022
Combine Inspector (agric. equip.) 624.361-010
combiner (hat & cap) 584.685-026
COMBINER OPERATOR (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.682-026
Combiner-Operator Helper (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.686-010
combiner-sheet operator (paper & pulp; paper goods) 534.682-026
combing-machine tender (tex. prod., nec) 680.685-034
combining-machine operator (knitting; textile) 584.682-014
COMBINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 554.685-018
COMB-MACHINE OPERATOR (fabrication, nec) 640.685-022
combustion analyst (glass mfg.) 572.360-010
COMEDIAN (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-014
Comedy Diver (amuse. & rec.) 159.347-018
Comedy Writer (profess. & kin.) 131.067-026
comic (amuse. & rec.) 159.047-014
COMMAND AND CONTROL SPECIALIST (military ser.) 235.662-010
COMMANDER, IDENTIFICATION AND RECORDS (government ser.) 375.137-010
COMMANDER, INTERNAL AFFAIRS (government ser.) 375.167-050
COMMANDER, POLICE RESERVES (government ser.) 375.137-030
Commanding Officer, Automobile Section (government ser.) 375.167-022
commanding officer, detectives (government ser.) 375.167-022
commanding officer, garage (government ser.) 375.167-018
commanding officer, highway district (government ser.) 375.163-010
COMMANDING OFFICER, HOMICIDE SQUAD (government ser.) 375.167-010
COMMANDING OFFICER, MOTOR EQUIPMENT (government ser.) 375.167-018
COMMANDING OFFICER, MOTORIZED SQUAD (government ser.) 375.163-010
commanding officer, motor transport division (government ser.) 375.167-018
COMMANDING OFFICER, POLICE (government ser.) 375.137-034
commanding officer, precinct (government ser.) 375.167-034
commanding officer, radio division communications officer (government ser.)
Commanding Officer, Traffic Division (government ser.) 375.163-010
commanding officer, vehicle maintenance unit (government ser.) 375.167-018
commanding officer, vice squad (government ser.) 375.167-014
Commentator (radio-tv broad.) 131.067-010
Commercial Account Officer (financial) 186.267-018
commercial artist (profess. & kin.) 141.061-022
commercial artist, lettering (profess. & kin.) 970.661-014
COMMERCIAL DECORATOR (any industry) term
commercial decorator (any industry) 298.381-010
COMMERCIAL DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 141.061-038
COMMERCIAL ENGINEER (radio-tv broad.) 003.187-014
COMMERCIAL-INSTRUCTOR SUPERVISOR (tel. & tel.; utilities; waterworks) 239.137-010
Commercial Officer (government ser.) 188.117-106
commercial photographer (profess. & kin.) 143.062-030
commercial photographer apprentice (profess. & kin.) 143.062-018
commercial pilot (air trans.) 196.263-014
commercial representative (tel. & tel.) 253.257-010
commercial service representative (tel. & tel.; utilities) 253.357-010
commercial stripper (print. & pub.) 972.281-022
Commissary Agent (air trans.) 922.687-058
COMMISSARY ASSISTANT (amuse. & rec.; museums) 412.687-010
commissary helper (amuse. & rec.; museums) 412.687-010
COMMISSARY MANAGER (any industry) 185.167-010
COMMISSION AGENT, LIVESTOCK (wholesale tr.) 162.157-026
Commission Auditor (insurance) 210.382-010
Commissioner, Iron Range Resources And Rehabilitation (government ser.)
COMMISSIONER OF CONCILIATION (government ser.) 188.217-010
commissioner of relocation services (government ser.) 188.167-070
COMMISSIONER, PUBLIC WORKS (government ser.) 188.117-030
commodities requirements analyst (aircraft mfg.) 012.167-082
Commodity-Industry Analyst (profess. & kin.) 050.067-010
COMMUNICATION-CENTER OPERATOR (air trans.) 235.662-014
COMMUNICATIONS CONSULTANT (tel. & tel.) 253.157-010
Communications Consultant, Commercial Services (tel. & tel.) 253.157-010
Communications Consultant, Industrial Services (tel. & tel.) 253.157-010
Communications Consultant, Residential Services (tel. & tel.) 253.157-010
COMMUNICATIONS COORDINATOR (medical ser.) 239.167-010
Communications-Equipment Supervisor (tel. & tel.) 722.131-010
Communications Manager (print. & pub.) 132.037-022
COMMUNICATIONS TECHNICIAN (education) 962.362-010
communication technician (any industry) 828.261-022
COMMUNITY DIETITIAN (profess. & kin.) 077.127-010
community health educator (profess. & kin.) 079.117-014
COMMUNITY ORGANIZATION WORKER (social ser.) 195.167-010
community placement worker (social ser.) 195.107-010
community planner (profess. & kin.) 001.061-018
community planning director, community chest (nonprofit org.) 187.167-234
community service consultant (social ser.) 195.167-010
COMMUNITY SERVICE OFFICER, PATROL (government ser.) 372.367-010
COMMUNITY WORKER (government ser.) 195.367-018
COMMUTATOR ASSEMBLER (elec. equip.) 724.684-030
Commutator Inspector (house. appl.) 729.384-022
commutator presser (elec. equip.) 724.684-030
Commutator Repairer (any industry) 721.281-018
Commutator Tester (elec. equip.) 729.684-058
Commutator Undercutter (elec. equip.) 724.684-030
Commutator V-Ring Assembler (elec. equip.) 724.684-030
COMPACT ASSEMBLER (jewelry-silver.) 739.687-066
compact-press operator (nonfer. metal; steel & rel.) 617.685-038
COMPANION (domestic ser.) 309.677-010
company doctor (medical ser.) 070.101-078
COMPANY LABORER (mine & quarry) 939.687-014
company laundry worker (any industry) 361.684-014
Company Manager (amuse. & rec.) 191.117-038
company pilot (any industry) 196.263-030
COMPARATOR OPERATOR (any industry) 699.384-010
COMPARISON SHOPPER (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 296.367-014
COMPENSATOR (paper goods) 640.685-026
COMPILER (clerical) 209.387-014
COMPLAINT CLERK (boot & shoe) 221.387-014
COMPLAINT EVALUATION OFFICER (government ser.) 375.367-014
COMPLAINT EVALUATION SUPERVISOR (government ser.) 375.137-038
COMPLAINT INSPECTOR (utilities) 829.261-010
complaint supervisor (utilities) 953.137-018
COMPO CASTER (wood prod., nec) 769.381-010
Compo-Conveyor Operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-074
component insertion operator (comm. equip.; electron. comp.; office machines)
Component Lead Former (electron. comp.) 728.684-022
composer (print. & pub.) 971.382-018
COMPOSER (profess. & kin.) 152.067-014
composing-machine operator (machinery mfg.; print. & pub.) 650.582-014
composing-machine operator (print. & pub.) 650.582-010
composing-machine operator (print. & pub.) 203.382-018
COMPOSING-ROOM MACHINIST (print. & pub.) 627.261-010
Composite Assembler (aircraft mfg.) 754.684-042
Composite Bond Worker (aircraft mfg.) 754.684-042
Composite Laminator (aircraft mfg.) 754.684-042
Composite Layup Worker (aircraft mfg.) 754.684-042
Composites Fabricator And Assembler (aircraft mfg.) 754.381-018
Composite Trim And Drill Worker (aircraft mfg.) 754.684-042
composite worker (aircraft mfg.) 754.684-042
composition-board-press operator (paper & pulp) 535.685-010
Composition Mixer (chemical) 550.382-018
COMPOSITION MIXER (fabrication, nec) 550.665-014
COMPOSITION-ROLL MAKER AND CUTTER (rubber goods) 559.482-010
Composition Roofer (construction) 866.381-010
composition-siding worker (construction) 863.684-010
COMPOSITION-STONE APPLICATOR (construction) 861.361-010
COMPOSITOR (print. & pub.) 973.381-010
COMPOSITOR APPRENTICE (print. & pub.) 973.381-014
COMPOUNDER (chemical) 550.685-050
compounder (chemical; pharmaceut.) 550.685-090
COMPOUNDER (petrol. refin.) 540.382-010
COMPOUNDER (pharmaceut.; soap & rel.) 550.685-046
Compounder (rubber reclaim.) 929.687-062
compounder (textile) 550.585-018
COMPOUNDER, CORK (wood prod., nec) 560.587-010
COMPOUNDER, FLAVORINGS (beverage) 529.381-010
COMPOUNDER HELPER (petrol. refin.) 540.686-010
compounder helper (plastic prod.; plastic-synth.) 550.586-010
compounder, sterile products (pharmaceut.) 559.682-054
COMPOUND FILLER (chemical) 550.686-014
COMPOUND FINISHER (chemical) 550.685-042
compound-machine operator (boot & shoe) 690.685-278
Compound Mixer (elec. equip.; electron. comp.) 726.687-022
COMPOUND MIXER (tinware) 509.485-010
COMPOUND WORKER (recording) 559.686-010
Compressed-Air-Pile-Driver Operator (construction) 859.682-018
COMPRESSED-GAS-PLANT WORKER (chemical) 549.587-010
compressed-gas tester (chemical) 549.364-010
COMPRESSION-MOLDING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.; plastic prod.) 556.682-014
Compression-Molding-Machine Setter (plastic prod.) 556.380-010
COMPRESSION-MOLDING-MACHINE TENDER (plastic prod.) 556.685-022
COMPRESSOR (elec. equip.; pharmaceut.) 556.682-022
Compressor Assembler (machinery mfg.) 801.361-010
Compressor, Battery Pellets (elec. equip.) 556.682-022
compressor engineer (any industry) 950.685-010
compressor-house operator (utilities) 953.382-010
Compressor Mechanic, Bus (automotive ser.) 620.261-010
compressor operator (any industry) 950.685-010
Compressor Operator (construction) 869.665-010
compressor operator-adjuster (ordnance) 535.482-010
Compressor Operator I (chemical) 559.362-018
COMPRESSOR OPERATOR II (chemical) 559.685-038
Compressor Operator, Portable (any industry) 950.685-010
compressor repairer (railroad equip.) 622.684-010
Compressor-Station Engineer (pipe lines) 950.382-014
Compress Trucker (agriculture) 929.687-030
comptroller (profess. & kin.) 160.167-058
Computer-Assisted Retoucher, Photoengraving (print. & pub.) 970.381-030
Computer-Laboratory Technician (profess. & kin.) 003.161-014
computer-numerical-control nesting operator (aircraft mfg.) 007.362-010
COMPUTER OPERATOR (clerical) 213.362-010
COMPUTER PROGRAMMER (profess. & kin.) 030.162-010
computer-programmer, numerical control (any industry) 007.167-018
COMPUTER SECURITY COORDINATOR (profess. & kin.) 033.162-010
COMPUTER SECURITY SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.) 033.362-010
computer systems engineer (profess. & kin.) 033.167-010
COMPUTER SYSTEMS HARDWARE ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 033.167-010
COMPUTER TYPESETTER-KEYLINER (print. & pub.) 979.382-026
CONCAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (boot & shoe) 585.685-030
Concaving-Machine Operator (elec. equip.) 692.482-010
CONCENTRATOR OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 511.462-010
Concert Or Lecture Hall Manager (amuse. & rec.) 191.117-014
conche loader and unloader (sugar & conf.) 526.382-010
CONCHE OPERATOR (sugar & conf.) 526.382-010
Conciliation-Court Judge (government ser.) 111.107-010
CONCILIATOR (profess. & kin.) 169.207-010
Concrete-Batch-Plant Operator (concrete prod.; construction) 570.682-014
Concrete-Block Mason (construction) 861.381-018
Concrete-Bucket Hooker (construction) 921.667-022
Concrete-Bucket Loader (construction) 579.665-014
Concrete-Bucket Unloader (construction) 579.665-014
CONCRETE-BUILDING ASSEMBLER (mfd. bldgs.) 869.664-010
CONCRETE CHIPPER (construction) term
Concrete-Conveyor Operator (construction) 579.665-014
CONCRETE CURER (construction) term
CONCRETE-FENCE BUILDER (construction) 869.681-010
concrete finisher (construction) 844.364-010
concrete-finisher apprentice (construction) 844.364-014
Concrete-Finishing-Machine Operator (construction) 853.663-014
concrete floater (construction) 844.364-010
CONCRETE-FLOAT MAKER (concrete prod.) 869.687-022
Concrete-Gun Operator (construction) 849.665-010
Concrete-Hopper Operator (construction) 579.665-014
Concrete-Mixer Loader, Truck Mounted (construction) 579.665-014
concrete-mixer-operator helper (construction) 579.665-014
CONCRETE-MIXING-TRUCK DRIVER (construction) 900.683-010
Concrete-Panel Installer (construction; retail trade) 863.684-014
concrete-paving-form grader (construction) 850.683-022
CONCRETE-PAVING-MACHINE OPERATOR (construction) 853.663-014
Concrete-Paving Supervisor (construction) 869.131-014
Concrete-Pile-Driver Operator (construction) 859.682-018
CONCRETE-PIPE MAKER (concrete prod.) 779.684-014
CONCRETE-PIPE-MAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (concrete prod.) 575.665-010
concrete pointer (concrete prod.) 844.684-010
concrete polisher (concrete prod.) 844.684-010
Concrete-Pouring Supervisor (construction) 869.131-014
CONCRETE PUDDLER (construction) term
Concrete-Pump Operator (construction) 849.665-010
Concrete-Pump-Operator Helper (construction) 869.687-026
CONCRETE RUBBER (concrete prod.) 844.684-010
CONCRETE SCREEDER (construction) term
CONCRETE SCULPTOR (concrete prod.) 777.281-010
concrete shoveler (construction) see CONCRETE PUDDLER
concrete spader (construction) see CONCRETE PUDDLER
concrete spreader (construction) see CONCRETE PUDDLER
CONCRETE-STONE FABRICATOR (concrete prod.) 575.461-010
CONCRETE-STONE FINISHER (concrete prod.) 844.461-010
concrete tamper (construction) see CONCRETE PUDDLER
CONCRETE-VAULT MAKER (concrete prod.) 579.684-010
Concrete-Vibrator Operator (construction) 869.687-026
Concrete-Wall-Grinder Operator (construction) 869.664-014
CONCRETING SUPERVISOR (construction) 869.131-014
CONDENSER SETTER (smelt. & refin.) 512.687-010
CONDENSER-TUBE TENDER (smelt. & refin.) 511.685-018
CONDITIONER TENDER (textile) 587.685-022
CONDITIONER-TUMBLER OPERATOR (laundry & rel.) 361.685-010
conditioning-machine operator (tobacco) 522.682-014
conditioning-room worker (textile) 587.685-022
CONDOMINIUM MANAGER (real estate) 186.167-062
CONDUCTOR (r.r. trans.) 910.667-014
Conductor, Dance Band (profess. & kin.) 152.047-014
CONDUCTOR, ORCHESTRA (profess. & kin.) 152.047-014
CONDUCTOR, PASSENGER CAR (r.r. trans.) 198.167-010
CONDUCTOR, PULLMAN (r.r. trans.) 198.167-014
CONDUCTOR, ROAD FREIGHT (r.r. trans.) 198.167-018
conductor, sleeping car (r.r. trans.) 198.167-014
Conductor, Symphonic-Orchestra (profess. & kin.) 152.047-014
CONDUCTOR, YARD (r.r. trans.) 910.137-022
Conduit Installer (r.r. trans.) 825.381-038
CONDUIT MECHANIC (construction; utilities) 869.361-010
Cone Baker, Machine (bakery products) 526.685-066
cone chocolate dipper (dairy products) 524.686-014
Cone-Classifier Tender (smelt. & refin.) 511.685-014
cone former (hat & cap) 586.685-030
cone inspector (glass mfg.; plastic-synth.; textile) 681.687-030
cone-machine feeder (hat & cap) 586.686-018
CONE OPERATOR (mine & quarry) 934.685-010
coner (hat & cap) 586.685-030
coner (textile) 681.685-098
cone racker (dairy products) 524.686-014
Cone Spooler (any industry) 681.685-154
CONE TREATER (paper goods) 534.687-010
Cone Winder (textile) 681.685-154
confectioner (sugar & conf.) 529.361-014
CONFECTIONERY COOKER (sugar & conf.) 526.382-014
conference service coordinator (clerical) 238.367-022
CONFIGURATION MANAGEMENT ANALYST (profess. & kin.) 012.167-010
conformal pad former (boot & shoe) 788.687-094
CONGRESSIONAL-DISTRICT AIDE (government ser.) 209.362-030
Conical Mixer (hat & cap) 680.685-062
connection worker (petrol. & gas) 869.684-046
connector (elec. equip.) 721.684-018
Connector Hand (construction) 869.687-026
conservation officer (government ser.) 379.167-010
CONSERVATION TECHNICIAN (museums) 102.261-010
CONSERVATOR, ARTIFACTS (profess. & kin.) 055.381-010
CONSOLE ASSEMBLER (musical inst.) 730.684-030
console operator (print. & pub.) 979.282-010
CONSTRUCTION CHECKER (utilities) 821.367-010
CONSTRUCTION-EQUIPMENT MECHANIC (construction) 620.261-022
Construction Grip (motion picture) 962.687-022
CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR (construction) 182.267-010
Construction-Machinery-And-Equipment-Rental Clerk (business ser.) 295.467-022
Construction Millwright (saw. & plan.) 860.381-042
Construction-Records Clerk (construction; utilities) 219.362-010
CONSTRUCTION WORKER I (construction) 869.664-014
CONSTRUCTION WORKER II (construction) 869.687-026
Consular Officer (government ser.) 188.117-106
consultant (any industry) 199.251-010
CONSULTANT (profess. & kin.) 189.167-010
CONSULTANT, EDUCATION (education) 099.167-014
CONSULTING ENGINEER (profess. & kin.) term
consumer-relations-complaint clerk (clerical) 241.367-014
consumer services consultant (profess. & kin.) 096.121-014
CONTACT-ACID-PLANT OPERATOR (chemical) 558.585-018
contact assembler (elec. equip.; light. fix.) 729.687-010
CONTACT CLERK (utilities) 209.387-018
Contact-Finger Assembler (elec. equip.) 729.687-010
contact-frame operator (electron. comp.; print. & pub.) 971.382-014
Contact-Lens-Curve Grinder (optical goods) 716.685-022
contact-lens cutter (optical goods) 716.382-010
Contact-Lens-Edge Buffer (optical goods) 716.685-022
CONTACT-LENS-FLASHING PUNCHER (optical goods) 713.687-014
Contact-Lens Inspector (optical goods) 716.381-010
CONTACT-LENS MOLDER (optical goods) 690.685-090
Contact-Lens Polisher (optical goods) 716.682-018
Contact Printer, Dry Film (electron. comp.) 976.684-030
CONTACT PRINTER, PHOTORESIST (inst. & app.; optical goods) 976.684-034
CONTACT PRINTER, PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARDS (electron. comp.) 976.684-030
CONTACT REPRESENTATIVE (government ser.) 169.167-018
CONTACT WORKER, LITHOGRAPHY (print. & pub.) 976.684-038
Container-Cargo Clerk (water trans.) 248.367-014
CONTAINER COORDINATOR (water trans.) 248.367-022
container crane operator (water trans.) 921.683-018
Container Filler (any industry) 920.587-018
container finisher (elec. equip.) 727.687-034
Container-Maker-Filler-Packer Operator (any industry) 920.685-078
container-packer operator (tobacco) 920.685-038
container repairer (any industry) 619.685-034
CONTAINER WASHER, MACHINE (any industry) 529.685-074
content checker (beverage) 522.667-010
CONTESTANT COORDINATOR (radio-tv broad.) 166.167-010
CONTINUITY CLERK (motion picture) 209.382-010
CONTINUITY DIRECTOR (radio-tv broad.) 132.037-010
Continuity Reader (radio-tv broad.) 131.267-022
CONTINUITY WRITER (radio-tv broad.) 131.087-010
Continuous-Annealing Furnace Operator (heat treating) 504.682-010
Continuous-Conveyor-Screen Drier (chemical) 553.582-010
continuous-drier helper (tex. prod., nec) 581.687-018
continuous-drier operator (tex. prod., nec) 581.685-034
continuous-dryout operator (any industry) 503.362-010
continuous-dryout-operator helper (any industry) 503.686-010
continuous-loft operator (paper & pulp) 534.682-010
CONTINUOUS-MINING-MACHINE OPERATOR (mine & quarry) 930.683-010
CONTINUOUS PILLOWCASE CUTTER (tex. prod., nec) 686.685-014
continuous process machine operator (photofinishing) 976.685-014
Continuous-Still Operator (chemical) 552.362-022
CONTINUOUS-TOWEL ROLLER (laundry & rel.) 361.685-014
Continuous-Vulcanizing-Machine Operator (nonfer. metal) 691.382-010
continuous-washer operator (ordnance) 503.685-026
continuous-yarn dyeing-machine operator (textile) 582.685-158
Contortionist (amuse. & rec.) 159.247-010
CONTOUR-BAND-SAW OPERATOR, VERTICAL (machine shop) 607.382-010
CONTOUR GRINDER (stonework) 675.682-010
Contour-Path Tape-Mill Operator (machine shop) 605.380-010
contour sander (woodworking) 662.682-010
contour stitcher (garment) 786.685-026
Contour Wire Sawyer (stonework) 677.462-014
CONTOUR WIRE SPECIALIST, DENTURE (protective dev.) 712.381-014
CONTRACT ADMINISTRATOR (any industry) 162.117-014
contract administrator (insurance) 241.267-010
CONTRACT CLERK (profess. & kin.) 119.267-018
CONTRACT CLERK, AUTOMOBILE (retail trade) 219.362-026
contract consultant (profess. & kin.) 119.267-018
contract coordinator (profess. & kin.) 162.117-018
CONTRACTOR (construction) 182.167-010
Contractor, Broomcorn Threshing (agriculture) 409.117-010
Contractor, Field Hauling (agriculture) 409.117-010
Contractor, General Building (construction) 182.167-010
Contractor, General Engineering (construction) 182.167-010
Contract-Post-Office Clerk (retail trade) 243.367-014
CONTRACT SPECIALIST (profess. & kin.) 162.117-018
contract technician (profess. & kin.) 119.267-018
contribution solicitor (nonprofit org.) 293.357-014
control-board operator (clerical) 235.662-022
control board operator, sugar refining (grain-feed mills) 521.362-018
Control-Cabinet Assembler (elec. equip.) 826.361-010
CONTROL CLERK (clock & watch) 221.387-018
CONTROL CLERK, AUDITING (insurance) 209.362-014
control clerk, food-and-beverage (hotel & rest.) 216.362-022
CONTROL CLERK, HEAD (clock & watch) 221.137-010
Control Clerk, Repairs (clock & watch) 221.387-018
Control Clerk, Subassembly (clock & watch) 221.387-018
Control Clerk, Training And Mechanism (clock & watch) 221.387-018
CONTROL INSPECTOR (paper & pulp; wood prod., nec) 539.667-010
control inspector (railroad equip.) 825.381-018
Controlled-Area Checker (any industry) 372.667-030
CONTROLLER (profess. & kin.) 160.167-058
CONTROLLER, COAL OR ORE (mine & quarry) 939.167-010
CONTROLLER, REMOTELY-PILOTED VEHICLE (aircraft mfg.) 196.263-026
CONTROLLER REPAIRER-AND-TESTER (railroad equip.) 825.381-018
CONTROL OPERATOR (smelt. & refin.) 511.482-010
Control Operator, Flow Coat (elec. equip.) 599.382-010
control-panel assembler (elec. equip.) 721.381-014
control-panel operator (bakery products) 520.462-010
CONTROL-PANEL OPERATOR (petrol. refin.) 546.382-010
Control-Panel Operator, Cracking Unit (petrol. refin.) 546.382-010
Control-Panel Operator, Crude Unit (petrol. refin.) 546.382-010
Control-Panel Operator, Polymerization Unit (petrol. refin.) 546.382-010
Control Panel Operator, Solvent-Treating Unit (petrol. refin.) 546.382-010
CONTROL-PANEL TESTER (elec. equip.) 827.381-010
control-room operator (any industry) 950.382-010
CONTROLS DESIGNER (profess. & kin.) 003.261-014
Controls Designer, Computer-Assisted (profess. & kin.) 003.261-014
Controls Development Mechanic (aircraft mfg.) 693.261-014
CONTROLS OPERATOR, MOLDED GOODS (fabrication, nec) 590.662-010
controls project engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.261-014
control-tower-radio operator (government ser.) 193.162-018
CONVERTER OPERATOR (grain-feed mills) 526.382-018
CONVERTER SUPERVISOR (smelt. & refin.) 513.132-010
Convertible-Power-Shovel Operator (any industry) 850.683-030
CONVEX-GRINDER OPERATOR (button & notion) 673.685-042
conveyor attendant (mine & quarry; smelt. & refin.) 939.362-014
Conveyor Belt Package Sorter (retail trade) 222.687-022
Conveyor-Belt Repairer (any industry) 630.684-014
conveyor console operator (any industry) 921.662-018
Conveyor Feeder (steel & rel.) 509.687-026
conveyor feeder (tobacco) 529.686-038
CONVEYOR FEEDER-OFFBEARER (any industry) 921.686-014
Conveyorized Oven Tender (bakery products) 526.685-070
conveyor loader (glass products) 579.686-022
CONVEYOR LOADER I (meat products) 525.687-018
CONVEYOR LOADER II (meat products) 525.686-014
CONVEYOR-MAINTENANCE MECHANIC (any industry) 630.381-010
conveyor monitor (any industry) 921.685-026
CONVEYOR OPERATOR, PNEUMATIC SYSTEM (food prep., nec) 921.382-010
CONVEYOR-SYSTEM OPERATOR (any industry) 921.662-018
CONVEYOR TENDER (any industry) 921.685-026
Conveyor Tender, Concrete-Mixing Plant (construction) 579.665-014
conveyor-weigher operator (chemical) 559.687-070
CONVOLUTE-TUBE WINDER (paper goods) 640.682-010
COOK (any industry) 315.361-010
cook (beverage; can. & preserv.; grain-feed mills) 526.381-026
COOK (chemical) 553.665-018
COOK (domestic ser.) 305.281-010
COOK (fishing & hunt.) 315.381-010
COOK (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
COOK (meat products) 526.685-010
cook (paper & pulp; paper goods) 532.362-010
COOK APPRENTICE (hotel & rest.) 313.361-018
COOK APPRENTICE, PASTRY (hotel & rest.) 313.381-018
COOK, BARBECUE (hotel & rest.) 313.381-022
cook blender (dairy products) 526.665-010
cook, boat (water trans.) 315.371-010
COOK-BOX FILLER (meat products) 523.685-030
COOK, BREAKFAST (hotel & rest.) term
Cook, Broiler (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
Cook, Camp (any industry) 315.361-010
cook, candy (sugar & conf.) 529.361-014
cook, chief (hotel & rest.) 313.131-014
COOK, CHIEF (water trans.) 315.131-010
Cook, Chili (food prep., nec) 526.134-010
Cook, Chinese-Style Food (hotel & rest.) 313.361-030
cook, cold meat (hotel & rest.) 313.361-034
Cook, Dessert (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
Cook, Dinner (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
COOK, DOG-AND-CAT FOOD (meat products) 526.682-014
cooked foods supervisor (hotel & rest.) 319.137-022
cookee (hotel & rest.) 318.687-010
Cook, Enchilada (food prep., nec) 526.134-010
cooker (beverage) 522.382-022
cooker (beverage; can. & preserv.; grain-feed mills) 526.381-026
cooker (can. & preserv.) 529.685-174
COOKER (grain-feed mills) 526.685-022
cooker (oils & grease) 523.685-034
Cooker And Presser (meat products) 529.685-202
COOKER, CASING (tobacco) 520.685-082
cooker, chip (food prep., nec) 526.685-046
COOKER CLEANER (can. & preserv.) 529.687-054
cooker helper (can. & preserv.) 529.486-010
COOKER LOADER (oils & grease) 921.685-030
COOKER, MEAL (oils & grease) 523.685-034
Cooker, Pie Filling (bakery products) 520.685-114
COOKER, PROCESS CHEESE (dairy products) 526.665-010
Cooker, Soda (paper & pulp; paper goods) 532.362-010
Cooker, Sulfate (paper & pulp; paper goods) 532.362-010
Cooker, Sulfite (paper & pulp; paper goods) 532.362-010
cooker, syrup (beverage) 520.485-026
COOKER TENDER (oils & grease) 553.665-022
COOKER TENDER (paper & pulp) 532.685-014
COOK, FAST FOOD (hotel & rest.) 313.374-010
Cook, Fish And Chips (hotel & rest.) 313.361-026
Cook, Fish Eggs (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
cook, fishing vessel (fishing & hunt.) 315.381-010
cook, frozen dessert (hotel & rest.) 313.381-034
Cook, Fruit (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
Cook, Fry (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
Cook, Fry (r.r. trans.) 315.381-018
COOK, FRY, DEEP FAT (can. & preserv.; hotel & rest.) 526.685-014
COOK, HEAD, SCHOOL CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.) 313.131-018
COOK HELPER (can. & preserv.) 529.687-050
cook helper (hotel & rest.) 318.687-010
COOK HELPER (hotel & rest.) 317.687-010
cook helper (paper & pulp; paper goods) 532.686-010
Cook Helper, Broiler Or Fry (hotel & rest.) 317.687-010
Cook Helper, Dessert (hotel & rest.) 317.687-010
Cook Helper, Fruit (can. & preserv.) 529.687-050
Cook Helper, Juice (can. & preserv.) 529.687-050
Cook Helper, Meat (can. & preserv.) 529.687-050
COOK HELPER, PASTRY (hotel & rest.) 313.687-010
Cook Helper, Preserves (can. & preserv.) 529.687-050
Cook Helper, Vegetable (hotel & rest.) 317.687-010
cook, ice cream (hotel & rest.) 313.381-034
cookie breaker (boot & shoe) 788.685-010
Cookie Mixer (bakery products) 520.685-234
Cookie-Mixer Helper (bakery products) 526.686-010
Cook, Institution (any industry) 315.361-010
Cook, Italian-Style Food (hotel & rest.) 313.361-030
Cook, Jelly (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
Cook, Juice (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
COOK, KETTLE (beverage; can. & preserv.; grain-feed mills) 526.381-026
Cook, Kosher-Style Food (hotel & rest.) 313.361-030
COOK, LARDER (water trans.) 315.381-014
Cook, Mayonnaise (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
cook, mess (any industry) 315.361-010
COOK, MESS (water trans.) 315.371-010
COOK, MEXICAN FOOD (food prep., nec) 526.134-010
Cook, Morning (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
Cook, Night (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
COOK, PASTRY (hotel & rest.) 313.381-026
cook, pastry (hotel & rest.) 313.361-038
Cook, Pickled Meat (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
cook, pie (hotel & rest.) 313.361-038
Cook, Preserve (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
cook, pressure (beverage; can. & preserv.; grain-feed mills) 526.381-026
COOK, RAILROAD (r.r. trans.) 315.381-018
Cook, Ranch (agriculture) 315.361-010
Cook, Relief (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
cook, restaurant (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
Cook, Roast (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
Cook, Roast Pig (hotel & rest.) 313.381-022
Cook, Sauce (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
Cook, Sauce (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
COOK, SCHOOL CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.) 313.381-030
Cook, Seafood (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
COOK, SECOND (hotel & rest.) term
Cook, Ship (water trans.) 315.361-010
cook, ship (water trans.) 315.371-010
COOK, SHORT ORDER (hotel & rest.) 313.374-014
Cook, Soup (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
COOK, SOYBEAN SPECIALTIES (food prep., nec) 529.685-290
Cook, Spaghetti (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
Cook, Spanish-Style Food (hotel & rest.) 313.361-030
Cook, Special Diet (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
COOK, SPECIALTY (hotel & rest.) 313.361-026
COOK, SPECIALTY, FOREIGN FOOD (hotel & rest.) 313.361-030
Cook, Starch (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
COOK, STATION (water trans.) 315.361-022
Cook, Station, Breakfast (water trans.) 315.361-022
Cook, Station, Grill (water trans.) 315.361-022
Cook, Station, Roast (water trans.) 315.361-022
Cook, Station, Soup And Fish (water trans.) 315.361-022
COOK, SYRUP MAKER (beverage) 526.682-018
Cook, Taco (food prep., nec) 526.134-010
Cook, Tamale (food prep., nec) 526.134-010
COOK, THIRD (water trans.) 315.381-022
Cook, Tortilla (food prep., nec) 526.134-010
COOK, VACUUM KETTLE (can. & preserv.) 526.685-018
Cook, Vegetable (can. & preserv.) 526.381-026
Cook, Vegetable (hotel & rest.) 313.361-014
Cooler-Conveyor Loader (meat products) 525.686-014
cooler operator (beverage) 523.685-042
Cooler Operator (dairy products) 529.382-018
COOLER ROOM WORKER (meat products) 525.687-022
cooler servicer (any industry) 637.381-010
Cooler Supervisor (dairy products) 929.137-022
COOLER TENDER (grain-feed mills) 523.685-038
COOLER TENDER (sugar & conf.) 520.585-018
Cooler Worker (dairy products) 922.687-058
COOLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (beverage) 523.685-042
COOLING-PAN TENDER (can. & preserv.) 523.685-046
COOLING-PIPE INSPECTOR (construction) 862.687-010
COOLING-ROOM ATTENDANT (personal ser.) 335.677-010
cooling-system operator (any industry) 950.362-014
Cooling-Tower Operator (petrol. refin.) 549.362-010
COOPER (wood. container) 764.684-022
cooperative extension advisor specialist (government ser.) 096.127-014
COOPER HELPER (wood. container) 764.687-050
coordinator, auxiliary personnel (medical ser.) 079.127-010
coordinator, computer programming (profess. & kin.) 030.167-010
coordinator of placement (education) 166.167-014
coordinator, program planning (radio-tv broad.) 132.067-030
COORDINATOR, SKILL-TRAINING PROGRAM (government ser.) 169.167-062
COORDINATOR, VOLUNTEER SERVICES (social ser.) 187.167-022
cop breaker (textile) 689.686-014
COPER, HAND (stonework) 771.384-010
Copilot (air trans.) 196.263-014
Copper Deposition Operator (electron. comp.) 501.685-022
Copper Etcher (print. & pub.) 971.381-014
Copper-Flotation Operator (smelt. & refin.) 511.685-026
Copper Plater (electroplating) 500.380-010
copper-roller handler, printing (textile) 652.385-010
Coppersmith (any industry) 804.281-010
COPPERSMITH (ship-boat mfg.) 862.281-010
COPPERSMITH APPRENTICE (ship-boat mfg.) 862.281-014
COPRA PROCESSOR (soap & rel.) 555.685-018
Cop Winder (nonmet. min.; textile) 681.685-154
copy-camera operator (any industry) 976.361-010
copy-camera-operator apprentice (print. & pub.) 972.382-010
COPY CUTTER (print. & pub.) 221.167-010
COPY HOLDER (print. & pub.) 209.667-010
COPYIST (any industry) 152.267-010
COPYIST (garment) 142.281-010
copyist (paper goods) 794.684-022
COPY-LATHE TENDER (woodworking) 664.685-018
Copy Reader (print. & pub.) 132.267-014
copy reader (radio-tv broad.) 131.267-022
Copy Reader, Book (print. & pub.) 132.267-014
copyright clerk (radio-tv broad.) 249.267-010
COPYRIGHT EXPERT (radio-tv broad.) 249.267-010
COPY WRITER (profess. & kin.) 131.067-014
corder (any industry) 787.682-082
Corder (garment; tex. prod., nec) 787.682-022
cording-machine operator (any industry) 787.682-082
cord-reel operator (paper goods) 640.685-046
cord splicer (rubber tire) 759.684-058
CORDUROY-BRUSHER OPERATOR (textile) 585.685-034
CORDUROY-CUTTER OPERATOR (textile) 585.565-010
cordwood-cutter helper (any industry) 667.687-010
core analyst (petrol. & gas) 024.381-010
core-assembly supervisor (elec. equip.) 619.130-042
core-blower operator (foundry) 518.685-022
CORE CHECKER (foundry) 518.687-010
CORE-COMPOSER FEEDER (millwork-plywood) 669.685-038
CORE-COMPOSER-MACHINE TENDER (millwork-plywood) 569.685-022
Core-Covering Sewer (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-058
Core Cutter (paper & pulp) 649.685-026
CORE-CUTTER AND REAMER (paper goods) 649.685-026
core driller (petrol. & gas) 930.382-018
core driller (petrol. & gas) 930.382-026
CORE-DRILL OPERATOR (any industry) 930.682-010
CORE-DRILL OPERATOR (construction) 869.682-014
CORE-DRILL-OPERATOR HELPER (any industry) 930.687-014
Core Dropper (elec. equip.) 727.687-022
CORE EXTRUDER (elec. equip.) 557.685-010
core feeder (millwork-plywood; wood prod., nec) 569.685-042
CORE FEEDER, PLYWOOD LAYUP LINE (millwork-plywood) 569.685-018
core fitter (foundry) 518.687-014
Core Inserter (tex. prod., nec) 739.685-010
core inspector (foundry) 518.687-010
core layer, plywood (millwork-plywood) 762.687-026
CORE LAYER, PLYWOOD LAYUP LINE (millwork-plywood) 569.686-014
CORE-LAYING-MACHINE OPERATOR (millwork-plywood) 569.685-026
CORE LOADER (ordnance) 737.687-030
COREMAKER (foundry) 518.381-014
Coremaker (paper goods) 640.682-022
COREMAKER APPRENTICE (foundry) 518.381-018
Coremaker, Bench (foundry) 518.381-014
coremaker, experimental (foundry) 518.381-014
Coremaker, Floor (foundry) 518.381-014
coremaker helper (foundry) 518.687-014
COREMAKER, MACHINE I (foundry) 518.685-014
COREMAKER, MACHINE II (foundry) 518.685-018
COREMAKER, MACHINE III (foundry) 518.685-022
COREMAKER, PIPE (foundry) 518.684-014
COREMAKING-MACHINE OPERATOR (elec. equip.) 692.682-030
Coremaking Supervisor (foundry) 519.131-010
core mounter (foundry) 518.684-018
CORE-OVEN TENDER (foundry) 518.685-010
core paster (foundry) 518.687-014
CORE SETTER (foundry) 518.684-010
core setter (foundry) 518.684-018
CORE SHAPER (toy-sport equip.) 692.685-058
Core Shaper, Sides (toy-sport equip.) 692.685-058
Core Shaper, Top (toy-sport equip.) 692.685-058
core stripper (foundry) 518.685-014
CORE WINDING OPERATOR (paper & pulp) 640.682-014
cork coater (wood prod., nec) 562.687-014
corker (beverage) 920.665-014
CORK GRINDER (toy-sport equip.) 662.685-010
CORK INSULATOR, REFRIGERATION PLANT (construction) 863.381-010
cork mixer (wood prod., nec) 560.585-010
cork mixer (wood prod., nec) 560.587-010
CORK MOLDER (wood prod., nec) 569.685-030
CORK-PRESSING-MACHINE OPERATOR (wood prod., nec) 569.686-018
cork sorter (wood prod., nec) 769.687-042
Cork-Tile-Floor Layer (construction; retail trade) 864.481-010
Corn-Chip Maker (food prep., nec) 529.685-078
CORN COOKER (food prep., nec) 522.685-034
Corn-Cutter Operator (grain-feed mills) 521.685-122
corner-block cutter (furniture) 669.682-030
CORNER CUTTER (paper goods) 640.685-030
corner-cutter-machine operator (paper goods) 640.685-030
CORNER FORMER (wood. container) 617.685-014
CORNER-TRIMMER OPERATOR (wood. container) 667.682-018
CORN GRINDER (food prep., nec) 521.685-082
CORN-GRINDER OPERATOR, AUTOMATIC (grain-feed mills) 521.685-086
Corn Grower (agriculture) 401.161-010
Corn-Husk Baler (grain-feed mills) 920.685-010
Cornice Upholsterer (any industry) 780.381-018
Corn Miller (grain-feed mills) 521.682-026
corn-oil extractor (grain-feed mills; oils & grease) 529.685-106
CORN POPPER (sugar & conf.) 526.685-026
CORN-PRESS OPERATOR (food prep., nec) 529.685-078
Corn-Sheller Operator (grain-feed mills) 521.685-122
CORONER (government ser.) 168.161-010
corporate counsel (profess. & kin.) 110.117-022
Corporate Pilot (air trans.) 196.263-014
Corporate Trust Officer (government ser.) 186.117-074
corporation pilot (any industry) 196.263-030
corral boss (any industry) 410.131-010
correctional officer (government ser.) 188.167-026
CORRECTION OFFICER (government ser.) 372.667-018
correction officer (government ser.) 372.677-010
correction officer (government ser.) 375.367-010
Correction Officer, City Or County Jail (government ser.) 372.667-018
CORRECTION OFFICER, HEAD (government ser.) 372.137-010
Correction Officer, Penitentiary (government ser.) 372.667-018
Correction Officer, Reformatory (government ser.) 372.667-018
CORRECTIVE THERAPIST (medical ser.) 076.361-010
CORRESPONDENCE CLERK (clerical) 209.362-034
CORRESPONDENCE-REVIEW CLERK (clerical) 209.367-018
correspondent (insurance) 249.262-010
Correspondent (print. & pub.; radio-tv broad.) 131.262-018
CORROSION-CONTROL FITTER (pipe lines; utilities) 820.361-010
corrosion-control specialist (profess. & kin.) 003.167-022
corrosion engineer (profess. & kin.) 003.167-022
corrugated-combining-machine operator (paper goods) 641.562-010
CORRUGATED-FASTENER DRIVER (woodworking) 669.685-042
Corrugated-Sheet-Material Sheeter (construction) 869.664-014
corrugator (brick & tile) 779.684-042
CORRUGATOR OPERATOR (paper goods) 641.562-010
CORRUGATOR OPERATOR (plastic-synth.) 556.665-014
corrugator operator (woodworking) 669.685-042
CORRUGATOR-OPERATOR HELPER (paper goods) 641.686-018
CORSET FITTER (retail trade) 782.361-010
corsetier (retail trade) 261.354-010
Corset Repairer (garment) 782.684-038
cosmetician (personal ser.) 332.271-010
cosmetician apprentice (personal ser.) 332.271-014
Cosmetics Demonstrator (retail trade) 297.354-010
COSMETICS PRESSER (pharmaceut.) 556.685-026
COSMETICS SUPERVISOR (pharmaceut.) 550.131-010
COSMETOLOGIST (personal ser.) 332.271-010
COSMETOLOGIST APPRENTICE (personal ser.) 332.271-014
cost-accounting clerk (clerical) 216.382-034
COST-AND-SALES-RECORD SUPERVISOR (utilities) 216.137-010
COST CLERK (clerical) 216.382-034
cost development engineer (aircraft mfg.) 002.167-010
Cost-Estimating Clerk (utilities) 216.382-034
cost estimator (profess. & kin.) 169.267-038
cost-report clerk (water trans.) 216.382-054
Costume Designer (profess. & kin.) 142.061-018
COSTUMER (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 346.261-010
COSTUMER ASSISTANT (motion picture; radio-tv broad.) 346.374-010
Costume-Rental Clerk (retail trade) 295.357-010
cot assembler (furniture) 709.667-010
COTTAGE-CHEESE MAKER (dairy products) 522.382-010
cottage parent (any industry) 187.167-186
Cotton-Bag Clipper (tex. prod., nec) 789.687-030
Cotton-Bag-Cutting-Machine Offbearer (tex. prod., nec) 689.686-018
Cotton-Bag-Cutting-Machine Operator (tex. prod., nec) 686.585-010
Cotton-Bag Sewer (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-058
COTTON BALER (agriculture) 920.685-114
COTTON-BALL BAGGER (protective dev.) 920.686-014
COTTON-BALL-MACHINE TENDER (protective dev.) 580.685-022
COTTON CLASSER (agriculture; textile) 429.387-010
COTTON CLASSER AIDE (agriculture) 429.587-010
cotton cleaner (plastic-synth.) 559.687-030
COTTON DISPATCHER (furniture) 780.684-038
Cotton Farmworker (agriculture) 404.687-010
cotton grader (agriculture; textile) 429.387-010
Cotton Grower (agriculture) 404.161-010
Cotton Header (water trans.) 911.137-018
Cotton Picker (furniture) 680.685-078
Cotton-Picker Operator (chemical) 553.685-034
Cotton Presser (garment) 363.684-018
COTTON PULLER (oils & grease) 521.686-022
COTTON-ROLL PACKER (protective dev.) 920.685-054
COTTON SAMPLER (agriculture; textile) 922.687-042
cottonseed-meat presser (oils & grease) 521.685-242
COTTON TIER (agriculture) 920.687-074
COTTON WASHER (plastic-synth.) 559.687-030
Cotton Weigher (agriculture) 221.587-030
cotton-weigher operator (chemical) 559.687-070
Cotton Wringer (plastic-synth.) 559.687-030
Cottrell Blower (smelt. & refin.) 511.687-014
Cougar Hunter (fishing & hunt.) 461.661-010
counseling-center manager (profess. & kin.) 045.107-018
counselor (hotel & rest.) 352.667-014
counselor (profess. & kin.) 110.107-010
COUNSELOR (profess. & kin.) 045.107-010
counselor-at law (profess. & kin.) 110.107-010
COUNSELOR, CAMP (amuse. & rec.) 159.124-010
counselor, dormitory (education) 045.107-038
COUNSELOR, MARRIAGE AND FAMILY (profess. & kin.) 045.107-054
COUNSELOR, NURSES' ASSOCIATION (medical ser.) 045.107-014
counselor, orientation and mobility (education; medical ser.; nonprofit org.)
counselor, vocational rehabilitation (government ser.) 045.107-042
counter (clerical) 221.587-030
counter and upper tacker (boot & shoe) 690.685-010
counter attendant (laundry & rel.; personal ser.) 369.477-014
COUNTER ATTENDANT, CAFETERIA (hotel & rest.) 311.677-014
Counter Buffer (boot & shoe) 690.685-046
counter caser (boot & shoe) 788.687-026
COUNTER CLERK (photofinishing) 249.366-010
counter clerk (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 279.357-062
COUNTER CLERK (tel. & tel.) 249.362-010
Counter Clerk, Appliance Parts (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 279.357-062
Counter Clerk, Automotive Parts (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 279.357-062
Counter Clerk, Farm Equipment Parts (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 279.357-062
Counter Clerk, Industrial Machinery And Equipment Parts (retail trade; wholesale
tr.) 279.357-062
Counter Clerk, Radio, Television, And Electronics Parts (retail trade; wholesale
tr.) 279.357-062
Counter Clerk, Tractor Parts (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 279.357-062
Counter Clerk, Truck Parts (retail trade; wholesale tr.) 279.357-062
COUNTER CUTTER (boot & shoe) 690.685-094
Counter Dish Carrier (hotel & rest.) 311.677-018
COUNTER FORMER (boot & shoe) 690.685-098
COUNTER, HAND (paper goods) 794.687-018
COUNTERINTELLIGENCE AGENT (military ser.) 378.267-010
counter maker (boot & shoe) 690.685-094
counter molder (boot & shoe) 690.685-350
COUNTER MOLDER (boot & shoe) 690.685-102
Counter-Pocket Sewer (boot & shoe) 690.682-082
counter-pocket trimmer (leather mfg.) 585.684-010
COUNTER ROLLER (boot & shoe) 690.685-106
COUNTERSINKER (clock & watch) 715.682-014
Countersinker, Balance Screw Hole (clock & watch) 715.682-014
COUNTER SUPERVISOR (hotel & rest.) 311.137-010
COUNTER-SUPPLY WORKER (hotel & rest.) 319.687-010
counter tacker (boot & shoe) 788.684-078
Counter Top Assembler (mfd. bldgs.; vehicles, nec) 762.684-014
counter-weigher (clerical) 221.587-030
COUNTING-MACHINE OPERATOR (paper goods) 649.685-030
country printer (print. & pub.) 973.381-018
country-printer apprentice (print. & pub.) 973.381-022
county adviser (government ser.) 096.127-010
county agent (government ser.) 096.127-010
COUNTY-AGRICULTURAL AGENT (government ser.) 096.127-010
County Auditor (government ser.) 160.167-030
County Director, Welfare (government ser.) 188.117-126
COUNTY HOME-DEMONSTRATION AGENT (government ser.) 096.121-010
County-Library Director (library) 100.117-010
couper (beverage) 764.687-090
COUPLE (any industry) term
coupler (any industry) 932.664-010
coupler (rubber goods) 759.687-014
COUPLING-MACHINE OPERATOR (steel & rel.) 619.682-014
Coupon-And-Bond-Collection Clerk (financial) 216.362-014
COUPON CLERK (financial) 219.462-010
Coupon-Collection Clerk (financial) 216.362-014
Coupon-Manifest Clerk (clerical) 209.687-010
COUPON-REDEMPTION CLERK (retail trade) 290.477-010
courier (clerical) 230.663-010
court abstractor (profess. & kin.) 119.267-010
COURT ADMINISTRATOR (government ser.) 188.117-130
COURT CLERK (government ser.) 243.362-010
court officer (government ser.) 377.667-010
court reporter (clerical) 202.362-010
cover assembler (furniture) 780.684-114
Cover Assembler (furniture) 780.682-010
Cover Assembler (tex. prod., nec) 787.682-066
cover creaser (boot & shoe) 690.685-174
cover cutter (boot & shoe) 788.687-042
Cover Cutter, Machine (furniture; tex. prod., nec) 781.684-014
COVERED-BUCKLE ASSEMBLER (button & notion) 734.687-050
covered button maker (any industry) 734.687-046
COVERER, LOOSELEAF BINDER (print. & pub.) 795.687-010
covering-machine operator (paper goods) 641.685-098
COVERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (print. & pub.) 653.682-014
Covering-Machine Operator (rubber goods) 690.662-014
COVERING-MACHINE OPERATOR (textile) 681.685-038
Covering-Machine-Operator Helper (rubber goods) 690.686-070
COVERING-MACHINE TENDER (leather prod.) 783.685-010
COVER INSPECTOR (furniture) 789.687-038
Cover-Machine Operator (wood. container) 669.685-014
Cover Maker (boot & shoe) 690.682-082
Cover Maker (chemical) 844.681-010
Cover Maker (furniture) 780.682-018
cover-making-machine operator (print. & pub.) 653.685-018
Cover Marker (paint & varnish) 920.685-078
Cover-Mat-Machine Operator (wood. container) 669.685-014
cover remover (boot & shoe) 788.687-042
COVER STRIPPER (paper goods) 641.685-034
cover treater (toy-sport equip.) 559.685-102
COWPUNCHER (agriculture) 410.674-014
Cow Trimmer (meat products) 525.687-046
Coyote Hunter (fishing & hunt.) 461.661-010

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